What do the Articles of Faith Mean? Where Did They Come From? and Why do we Believe what we say we Believe?

Okay, yes, the simple answer is that the Articles of Faith are a summary of Latter-Day Saint doctrine, coming from a letter Joseph wrote to a journalist named Wentworth, and that letter has come to be called “the Wentworth letter”. I think most of us could recite that little fact. But who was John Wentworth and why would Joseph feel that much of a commitment to take the kind of time he devoted to drafting up this extensive discourse for him? He was an extremely busy man, and couldn’t possibly dedicate that much time in responding to everyone’s curiousity. And more importantly, at least for me, where did each point of doctrine come from? How did Joseph gain a testimony of each of them? And what do each of them tell of his personal journey?

In 1842 a request was made of Joseph Smith for a brief review of the history of the “Mormons” and what they believed.  Who better to ask right? Though the request was made by John Wentworth, editor of the Chicago Democrat Newspaper, it was ultimately not for him. He made the request on behalf of his friend George Barstow, who was writing a book about the history of New Hampshire.   The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints up till that point, had been the target of much persecution and continuous slander in newspapers across the country.   You might say “the Mormons” were used to being misrepresented – even joked about, in the papers. Certainly honest inquiry for a fair understanding was not often made.  Since Joseph judged that Mr. Barstow had taken the proper steps to obtain correct information, he agreed to provide it, with one stipulation: that “he publish the account entire, ungarnished and without misrepresentation.” 

Wentworth Letter in THE TIMES AND SEASONS
March 1842

The result was what Joseph entitled “The Rise, Progress, Persecutions and Faith of the Latter-day Saints”.   It contained not just a history beginning with his First Vision, but a prophetic declaration of the Church’s future success in the earth under the protective hand of the Great Jehovah, and several important details not found elsewhere in the Prophet’s teaching.   It was the first time that Joseph Smith published his own account of the First Vision, and it concluded with a summary of the basic beliefs of the Church in 13 distinct declarations of faith.    Interestingly for his own reasons, the essay was never used by Mr. Barstow in his book, but it was published in the Times & Seasons – the Church’s twice monthly publication from their printing press in Nauvoo – in March of 1842, and has become of tremendous worth to the members of the Church.   It’s funny how important things come out of unexpected opportunities. The letter itself became known as THE WENTWORTH Letter, and the 13 points of doctrine became known as THE 13 ARTICLES OF FAITH.   Later that year, on October 10, the Articles of Faith were formally accepted as scripture by vote of the members of the Church.   They are as important today as they were then, as they encapsulate beautifully and concisely, the basic tenets of our religion. 

He succinctly summarized the amazing and moving history of the church, made even more amazing since it was not quite even a dozen years old, and included what he called the inhuman treatment of his people at the hands of mobs (winked at by politicians). Notwithstanding the stumbling blocks continually put in the Church’s path, including his own multiple arrests and lengthy imprisonments, Joseph gave a review of the progress the church was making. That they made any progress at all – is miraculous.  “Persecution has not stopped the truth,” he said “but has only added fuel to the flame, it has spread with increasing rapidity. … Amidst calumny and reproach, …” he names states and countries where Elders of the Church had travelled teaching the gospel, and from which thousands of converts were springing.  He concludes his heartfelt historical summary up till that point, with this announcement, beloved by members of the Church till this day for its stirring message:

The Standard of Truth has been erected; no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing; persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame, but the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent, till it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country and sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished and the Great Jehovah shall say the work is done.”  (the Wentworth Letter)

Take THAT! A powerful statement that has proved true in the almost two centuries since he wrote it.

But WHERE did those points of doctrine come from? There were not direct revelation, as were so many other doctrines Joseph brought to us. Upon close scrutiny, it is clear they sprang from specific and accumulative milestones in Joseph’s life. Teaching milestones. I find it helpful to privately review them, and to consider the possible life experiences that proceeded them, and that caused Joseph to affirm each individual doctrinal testimony – for that is exactly what they are. Testimonies.

  1. We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ and in the Holy Ghost.

Joseph taught that the most important thing we could ever know was the true nature of God.  Before the spring of 1820, like the rest of us, he had no idea what that might have been.  The concept of the Trinity had infiltrated most Christian religions although to explain it, was most difficult. Joseph learned first hand, visually, audibly and spiritually that the Father and the Son are two separate, distinct beings, and that together with the Holy Ghost – they constitute the Godhead. Not one in being, but one in purpose. It is not surprising then, that the Articles of Faith should begin at the beginning – with revealed truth as taught where his mission began, in a grove of trees. It came to be known as “the FIRST VISION”, for there would be others, many others.

What was the First Vision?

In the years leading up to 1820, the eastern region of the United States was afire with religious fervor, a veritable explosion of religious revivalism. These were the decades following the Revolutionary War, most families still had grandfathers who fought in that war. Recent climate upheavals owing to the volcanic eruption of Mount Tambora in the Dutch Indies (present day Indonesia) triggered extreme global affects. April 10, 1815 was the day Mount Tambora reached its violent climax, but increased steaming and smaller eruptions continued to occur for the following three years. The resulting ash dispersed around the world and lowered global temperatures in a way that has not been observed in recorded history before or since. In many parts of the world, 1816 became known as the Year-Without-a-Summer.

Many people interpreted this to be a manifestation of divine disapproval. It is not surprising that it sparked religious intensity. But as we all know, religion does not always imply peace, and there was anything but peace in the revivals that sprang up and traveled among the American states. In Joseph’s words, “the cry and tumult were great and incessant“. Communities and even families were split between factions. Joseph’s family was no exception, some filing off to the Methodists, some to the Presbyterians.

1820 was Joseph’s 14th year, and as an earnest youth he was anxious to find the right church for himself. “While I was labouring under the extreme difficulties caused by the contest of these parties of religionists” he said, “I was one day reading the Epistle of James, first chapter and fifth verse which reads: If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. Never did any passage of scripture come with more power to the heart of man than this did at this time to mine. It seemed to enter with great force into every feeling of my heart. I reflected on it again and again, knowing that if any person needed wisdom from God, I did; for how to act I did not know, and unless I could get more wisdom than I then had, I would never know; for the teachers of religion of the different sects understood the same passages of scripture so differently as to destroy all confidence in settling the question by an appeal to the Bible. At length I came to the conclusion that I must either remain in darkness and confusion, or else I must do as James directs, that is, ask of God. I at length came to the determination to ‘ask of God’ . . .”

The Desires of My Heart by Walter Rane

In accordance with his determination, Joseph retired to a spot in the woods near his home and kneeled down to offer up the desires of his heart to God. The result, as any Latter-day Saint knows, was not only the answer to his prayer, but the answer to the prayers of thousands of pure hearted truth seekers for centuries. The time was at hand, and this young American plough boy – who had been prepared from the foundation of this world to be the prophet of the Restoration, got his first glimpse of what the rest of his earthly mission would entail.

The first Article of Faith states firmly and without distraction, what Joseph observed with his own two eyes that day. That God the Eternal Father, and His Son Jesus Christ were two separate and distinct, tangible beings of pure light and glory. Their relationship as stated by the Father, is undeniably that of Father and Son. He also experienced first hand, the power of the Holy Ghost. Everything else he learned would come after this foundational truth.

Why do WE Believe this principle?
Well, I don’t know why you believe it, but I believe it because as I have learned the doctrine and studied the account, and come to know my Saviour personally, the Holy Ghost has testified to me that it is true.

2. We believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam’s transgression.

In the years following his First Vision, Joseph had some growing up to do; he wasn’t above the usual follies of youth.  Those and the painful lessons he learned surrounding Martin Harris’ loss of the 116 pages, regarding the principles of agency and personal accountability, became foundational in his testimony about how we are accountable for our own actions: sins or mistakes.  Lessons that would shape his future life, and influence every decision he made from that time forward. He was not a perfect man, and that imperfection was made so abundantly clear repeatedly as he went through the refiner’s fire of his short life. Those who loved him most knew he had his weaknesses. Who doesn’t? Being a prophet didn’t make him a perfected being? Even Abraham had his weaknesses.

But what a tender mercy it is to know that the mistakes we’ll pay for, will be our own, and not someone else’s. Understanding Choice and Accountability gives us responsibility for our own actions. It is made even more marvelous when considered in the light of the following doctrinal truth.

3. We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel.  

Though he feared for his soul after the loss of the 116 pages, he learned about mercy in section 3 of the D&C.  The Lord laid out the situation, and exactly where the problem lay – fearing the opinion of men more than God.  And who could blame Joseph for being concerned about the good opinion of men such as Martin Harris? and his father in law Isaac Hale? To his mortal way of seeing things, they were integral to moving the work forward. Without them Joseph had no means, and his ability to make a living could sustain his family only, not the additional expense of such a project as he was currently involved in, that of translating the record and its eventual publication. “You should have been faithful” the Lord tenderly chastised “and he would have extended his arm and supported you against all the fiery darts of the adversary and he would have been with you in every time of trouble.” (v8) 

The Lord reminded him that what had happened was not conclusionary, and that though Satan constantly seeks to thwart the plan of God, yet “The works, and the designs, and the purposes of God cannot be frustrated, neither can they come to naught.” (v1) “Remember, … it is not the work of God that is frustrated, but the work of men.” (v3) Joseph needed to keep in mind who’s errand he was on. He was reminded that he had been given strict guidelines to follow regarding the plates, which were not only intended to protect them, but also to arm him.  Promises that if he was diligent in their protection, the Lord would reach out and protect them, but at the same time – if he failed in his due diligence he had no such promise. Strict obedience regarding the plates, was crucial. (v5)
He was comforted by the reassurance that “God is merciful” and though the situation was indeed serious, it was not unredeemable, and if he repented, he was still chosen, called to do the work. (v10,11) The Atonement of Christ overcomes all. The price was in fact – paid.

Why do I believe this principle?
Because I too, have made mistakes. I too have carried the weight of not being right with my Father in Heaven. I too have been accountable for unhappiness (mostly my own), resulting from my actions. I too have judged too harshly, spoken too sharply, and reacted too swiftly. I too have felt the weight of repentance – a literal “turn” of my heart and actions. And I too have felt the redeeming joy of letting go that the Atonement has allowed. I literally know for myself that through the Atonement of Christ, I am saved. And through the Atonement of Christ, I can repeatedly put my life to rights again and again, and again.

4. We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Throughout the Book of Mormon, Joseph was taught that two principles always precede the ordinance of baptism.  No privilege and blessing comes from God without repentance, but there was no point in repenting if one doesn’t first have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.  With a measure of faith and following repentance, baptism is the first ordinance of the gospel – necessary to join with the Church of God and to progress.  In 3 Nephi 11, he learned that the Father would visit those who were baptized with the Holy Ghost.  “I bear record that the Father commandeth all men, everywhere, to repent and believe in me. And whoso believeth in me, and is baptized, the same shall be saved . . . [And the Father] will visit him with fire and with the Holy Ghost.” (3N 11:32-33, 35)

5. We believe that a man must be called of God, by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands by those who are in authority, to preach the Gospel and administer in the ordinances thereof.

Restoration by Liz Lemon Swindle

Joseph learned throughout his translation of the Book of Mormon, that men of God did not act without authority.  And when they did not have authority, they deferred to someone who did – postponing important ordinances until one with authority could perform them. 

The perfect example of this is found in Mosiah in the story of Limhi. Limhi was the son of King Noah, himself a good man not withstanding the terrible precedent set by his father. At the time Ammon and his search party found them, Limhi’s people were in bondage to the Lamanites, forced to pay high tribute, unable to escape, and nowhere to go if they did. The arrival of Ammon and his friends brought hope and joy to Limhi’s people, and more than that – they learned more of the gospel as taught by Abinadi.

And now since the coming of Ammon, king Limhi had also entered into a covenant with God, and also many of his people, to serve him and keep his commandments. And it came to pass that king Limhi and many of his people were desirous to be baptized; but there was none in the land that had authority from God. And Ammon declined doing this thing, considering himself an unworthy servant.” (Mosiah 21:32-33) Whether Ammon lacked the authority or not, is unclear, but with or without authority he did not consider himself worthy to act in the name of God. “Therefore they did not at that time form themselves into a church, waiting upon the Spirit of the Lord. . . . They were desirous to be baptized as a witness and a testimony that they were willing to serve God with all their hearts; nevertheless they did prolong the time . . . ” (Mosiah 21:34,35)

Where does one get the authority to baptize? Joseph and Oliver Cowdery (his friend and scribe), saw how Jesus gave his disciples authority to baptize in the Book of Mormon – even giving specific instructions about how to do it, and the words to use. (3N:18)  We know that this doctrine brought Joseph and Oliver to the realization that they had not been baptized, and they were very aware that they did not then posses the proper authority.  That question was answered in the visitation of John the Baptist who conferred upon them the Aaronic Priesthood which he held and which thereby gave them the proper authority to baptize.  As they continued to translate and write, they realized there was more.  Line upon line, precept upon precept.  More questions led to more revelation, and to them receiving the higher priesthood at the hands of Peter, James and John – which gave them authority to impart the gift of the Holy Ghost not only to each other, but to all those they would baptize. 

They knew how that Priesthood authority was conferred because they personally experienced it, first at the hands of the resurrected being John the Baptist, then at the hands of Peter, James and John. Such was the restoration of authority to perform gospel ordinances, which led directly into the establishing of the Church, or rather restoring of the Church.

6. We believe in the same organization that existed in the Primitive Church, namely, apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelist and so forth.

Without Purse or Script by Liz Lemon Swindle

With power and authority of the Holy Priesthood, as established by Jesus Christ in His primitive Church, Joseph followed the same patterns that existed in that ancient Church. The process began in Fayette, New York on April 6 1830, and continues till today, one step at a time as revelation directs. Within the first five years, offices and quorums of the Priesthood were organized, and as in the original church, apostles and prophets were called. From there, line upon line, principle upon principle – the Church of Jesus Christ unfolded as revelation directed and as the people were ready.

And almost two hundred years later, it is still unfolding line upon line, as revelation directs and as the people are ready. The Lord speaks today as He always did, through the mouth of His prophets. Why would it be any different? Can Heavenly Father love us less than he loved the Jews in the Old Testament or the Nephites in the Book of Mormon? Can all that we should ever know really have been provided two thousand years ago? Is God not still living? And if so, why would He not be involved in our doings? Why would He leave us without direction?

I am so grateful for the blessing of a living prophet on the earth today. I eagerly listen to every word he speaks in his position as President of the Church, and I happily align my life to the direction and counsel he gives.

7. We believe in the gift of tongues, prophecy, revelation, visions, healing, interpretation of tongues and so forth.

An outpouring of gifts of the Spirit were evident throughout the establishment of the Restored Church, but in Kirtland the Saints were blessed with unparalleled spiritual manifestations including all of the gifts mentioned in the seventh Article of Faith. All members of the Church were converts, and most had joined after only a few meetings with travelling missionaries – themselves new converts. While doctrinal understanding may have been minimal, the Saints were fueled by a constant flow of recorded revelation from a modern-day prophet and the Holy Ghost which testified of its truthfulness. It was an unbeatable combination.

Kirtland Temple dedicated March 27, 1836

The sacrifice that those early Saints were called to make astound us, but as Joseph later taught “A religion that does not require the sacrifice of all things, never has power sufficient to produce the faith necessary unto life and salvation”. (Lectures on Faith 6:7) They certainly had experience with sacrifice, especially in the early Kirtland days, and they were rewarded with spiritual gifts of pentecostal proportions.

Throughout these two centuries, spiritual blessings have never ceased. We live in a day of witnessing prophecy fulfilled, of continual revelation unfolded before our very eyes, of healings and all manner of miracles associated with the Holy Spirit. It is our responsibility to see the hand of God in all things and to acknowledge His hand, in fact “in nothing doth man offend God, …. save those who confess not His hand in all things…” (D&C 59:21)

8. We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God.

Joseph grew up in a God loving, Bible reading family. He believed in, and honoured it as the word of God. He was accustomed to studying it, and as a young man with a troubling problem turned to it for help, with revelatory results. Shortly after the establishment of the Church, Joseph was engaged in the work of the translation of the Bible (1831 – 1833). It is important to note that in Joseph Smith’s day, the word translate not only meant to take something from one language into another; it also implied – to transfer, convey, interpret, or explain. Joseph frequently “used the word ‘translation’ in the wider sense of transmission, having reference to copying, editing, adding to, taking from, rephrasing, and interpreting“. (John F. Hall) When he said the Bible was not translated correctly, he wasn’t necessarily referring to the many languages it has been translated into, but also to the text having suffered at the hands of editors, copyists, and revisionists through centuries of transmission. This cannot be disputed or what explanation could there possibly be for having so many different interpretations of the Bible, as Joseph Smith experienced, and as we also experience.

Bible and the Book of Mormon Testify of Christ by Greg Olson

In law, a witness is someone who has knowledge about a matter. The fact that Latter-Day Saints refer to the Book of Mormon as “Another Testament of Jesus Christ” implies that there are primary testaments or witnesses. In fact there are two ‘other’ witnesses: the Old ‘testimony‘, and the New ‘testimony‘, and we continue to use both of them – the Bible – alongside of the Book of Mormon. Using the Book of Mormon: Another Testament (or testimony) of Jesus Christ along side of it, second witnesses many of the important truths, clarifies many conflicting points of doctrine, and resolves many doctrinal stumbling blocks. That is the beauty of an additional witness.

To the phrase “as far as it is translated correctly” the Prophet provides further insight in this statement “I believe the Bible as it read when it came from the pen of the original writers. Ignorant translators, careless transcribers, or designing or corrupt priests have committed many errors.” (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, edited by Joseph Fielding Smith 1938)

Do we revere the Bible to be the word of God? YES! A resounding Yes. As far as it is translated correctly. We also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God.

9. We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.

Joseph was an intimate witness of the fact that God continued to reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God. His entire adult life was a revelatory affair, many of which are recorded in the Doctrine and Covenants. What God had previously revealed was in scripture – which we reverently believe, and in those pre-1842 days referenced in the Wentworth Letter, Joseph received countless revelations – big and small. We believe that while a prophet lives, there is continual revelation – a literal outpouring of truth.

10. We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the Ten Tribes; that Zion (the New Jerusalem) will be built upon the American continent; and that Christ will reign personally upon the earth; and the the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisiacal glory.

In 1838, the Saints moved west to Missouri. There they laid the foundation for the establishment of Zion, and from there the Lord called missionaries to go forth unto all the world, (D&C 114:1) expanding the work worldwide in gathering and restoring the tribes of Israel.

Although the article of faith refers to a physical gathering of Israel, the spiritual gathering of Israel refers to a complete conversion to Jesus Christ. In the early days of the church, baptism most often included a call to Zion that inspired tens of thousands to leave all they knew behind, sail an ocean and walk across a continent to be with people who believed as they did. They heeded the call to ‘gather’ to Zion in the 19th century.

This work of Gathering is no less in effect today, although physically converts remain in their own countries as the Church is established there. It remains of primary importance in the Church – so says President Russel M. Nelson. In speaking to the youth of the church in 2018 he clarified “When we speak of the gathering, we are simply saying this fundamental truth: every one of our Heavenly Father’s children, on both sides of the veil, deserves to hear the message of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. They decide for themselves if they want to know more.” How important is it? He added “This is the mission for which you were sent to earth.” (Russell M. Nelson, Hope of Israel June 3, 2018)

11. We claim the privilege of worshipping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where or what they may.

Freedom of Worship by Norman Rockwell

How bitter it had to have been for the early members of the church to experience the intense hateful persecution they endured throughout their history. From the first hour Joseph shared his vision with a certain clergyman, he felt the sting of religious intolerance which escalated into vicious bullying. Everyone who followed him, shared in the same fate. This, in the “land of the free”, the land where their fathers and grandfathers fought in the Revolutionary War against tyranny, the land that boasted of inherent freedoms, one of which was Freedom of Religion. The American Constitution said “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” And yet, members of the new church were denounced, reviled, threatened, beaten, driven from their homes, imprisoned and even murdered. From New England to Ohio, from Ohio to Missouri, from Missouri to Illinois and after Joseph’s murder, to Indian Territory in the Valley of the Great Salt Lake.

Members of the Church knew first hand what that was like. All because of their religious affiliation. Is it any wonder that in Nauvoo, they established religious liberty? Away from the fires of Missouri, the horrific year surrounding their exile from the state, and Joseph’s imprisonment in Liberty Jail. A people who suffered like the early Saints suffered would not be able to idly stand by and watch the religious persecution of others. One year before the Wentworth Letter, Joseph published in the Times and Seasons newspaper “… we claim no privilege but what we feel cheerfully disposed to share with our fellow citizens of every denomination, and every sentiment of religion, and therefore say that, so far from being restricted to our own faith, let all those who desire to locate themselves in this place, or vicinity, come, and we will hail them as citizens and friends and shall feel it not only a duty, but a privilege …” (A Proclamation to the Saints Scattered Abroad,” Times and Seasons, 15 Jan. 1841) This was something intimate and personal to him.

12. We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honouring, and sustaining the law.

It is ironic that the law (or at least the people who represented the law), that chose not to protect the early Saints, was the very law that Joseph taught them to uphold. To do otherwise would be anarchy. In 1835, seven years prior to the Wentworth Letter Joseph Smith signed his name to the “laws and governments” that the leaders presented for the church, and now found in scripture: Doctrine & Covenants section 134. Verse 5 reads “We believe that all men are bound to sustain and uphold the respective governments in which they reside, while protected in their inherent and inalienable rights by the laws of such governments; and that sedition and rebellion are unbecoming every citizen, thus protected . . .” (D&C 134:5) Who could have imagined the horror that lay before them in the next few years? And yet, two years before he himself was murdered while awaiting trial, by a mob, their faces painted as black as their hearts, Joseph taught his people “We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honouring and sustaining the law.” Irony at its worst.

13. We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul – We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.

This is TRUE RELIGION. Practical Religion. This last profession is not one of doctrine, but of action. It is the walk that goes with the talk. It entails proper respect for oneself and love for one’s fellow men. “Religion without morality, professions of godliness without charity, church-membership without adequate responsibility as to individual conduct in daily life,” writes James E. Talmage “are but as sounding brass and tinkling cymbals – noise without music . . . . . Honesty of purpose, integrity of soul, individual purity, freedom of conscience, willingness to do good to all men even enemies, pure benevolence – these are some of the fruits by which the religion of Christ may be known. . . . . . . ” – James E. Talmage (Articles of Faith, pg 429)

We have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things” summarizes over a decade of enduring experiences that taught values of Christian life better than an easier time might have. Joseph dedicated his entire adult life to learning these lessons. In summarizing them in these 13 Articles of Faith, he not only explained them to gentile readers, but taught them to members of the Church. They “are not abstract, theoretical, or theological propositions.” writes John W. Welch “They reflect real life. They crystalized out of the daily efforts and yearly struggles of faithful men, women, and children to do the will of God and to build His kingdom here on earth.”
(John W. Welch is BYU Professor of Law, and Editor in Chief of BYU Studies)


I learned the Articles of Faith when I was a girl of 11 years old. I memorized them then and they still reside in my mind, and in my heart. They are a comfort to me, and they put into words my foundational understanding of the gospel. They represent my core values.
I thank my Heavenly Father for His Son, and for the gospel restored on the earth today through His Church. I thank Him for a living prophet and continued revelation. I thank Him for these 13 Articles of my Faith that solidify my testimony of critical principles. I often find myself rephrasing them in the first person:
I believe in God the Eternal Father, and in His Son Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost. I believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam’s transgression. I believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel.   I believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost. . . . . I believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly. I also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God. ….. I claim the privilege of worshipping almighty God according to the dictates of my own heart. And I allow all men the same privilege …. I believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed I may say that I follow the admonition of Paul – I believe all things, I hope all things, I have endured many things, and I hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, I seek after these things.”

I’d love to hear your thoughts on not only the Articles of Faith, and the experiences that led to their creation, but of how they affect you personally.


Cindy Suelzle

Gardening 101 – How to Begin

By Failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” – Benjamin Franklin

At the risk of being too cliche, Benjamin’s counsel about planning is absolutely true. It may be tempting to skim through the planning stage or even to skip if altogether, but if you do, I promise you will regret it in the not-to-distant-future. I have been gardening in the same spot for two decades, but there is not a single year that I don’t plan it out again BEFORE I plant. There is never a time when the garden is the same as it was the year before. I am always wanting to try new things in new places, and as the sun/shade ratio has evolved over the years, it has changed how things grow and flourish (or not) in certain areas. Where am I going to put the potatoes? What can I do to get the carrots more sun? What can I do to amend my soil in this bed? What is going to separate the potatoes and tomatoes? (they hate each other bytheway) It is no exaggeration to say that this is the most important step in growing a garden.

Start at the beginning, with a PLAN. Map out your garden – keeping friends together, bad neighbours apart and considering sun and shade


Choosing WHERE to plant your garden is not to be taken lightly. You can’t just plunk it in an available patch of ground. There are important things you must look for, that will determine the type of garden you can grow. If you’re growing flowers there is a lot of flexibility, but if you’re growing vegetables you need . . .

SUN: You can do without a lot of things in a vegetable garden, but you cannot do without SUN

Get to know your yard and garden.   Go out into your yard at different times of the day.   Find the spot with the most sun you can afford to convert into garden space.   Six good full hours of sun is considered FULL SUN, and that is what you’re looking for.  Don’t discount using pots in sunny areas.  Don’t discount the front yard either. Who said that gardens must be in the back yard. Some of the best and most beautiful vegetable gardens I have seen are in front yards, so open your mind.

To begin with, pay attention to the light patterns in your yard every couple of hours. Note how they’re different in the spring, summer and fall. Get outside in the spring, and assess where the shadows fall and for how long. Record your findings. Either use marking stakes to indicate light and shadow in your yard, or draw a map, sketching in where the shade in two hour increments. Start about 7 AM and stop about dusk. Use a pencil to mark shady sections of the yard. Note the sun and shade pockets throughout the day. Vegetables need at least six full hours but many flowers will do beautifully with less.

Remember that light patterns change. The position of buildings may not change but many other things do. When we moved into our current house the yard was bordered with trees, especially along the west side, many of them evergreens. They provided a sense of privacy and necessary shade in the hot dinner hours when we chose to eat outside, and we appreciated them. As time went on we noticed that we needed our sun umbrella less, and one day I was shocked to note that by 4:00 in the afternoon, our shade stretched all the way to the trampoline, a good 100 feet! Clearly that shade had been gradually increasing but I had never paid a whole lot of attention to it, other than to notice that our table wasn’t as hot at dinner time as it used to be. Once I did start paying attention however, I noticed how that shade had changed the growing patterns of a huge chunk of our yard. Dan had been wanting to cut those trees down for a few years because of the shade, but I wasn’t convinced till my big discovery. Trees grow. Big trees become bigger trees. It happens so gradually that until we are prepared to open our eyes and seriously take NOTE of the sun vs shade situation in our yards, it simply escapes us. But regardless of whether we’re taking note, it is affecting the growing conditions of everything it touches.

No one likes to cut down trees, but sometimes it just has to be done, and I knew that day our two big spruce trees had to go. They had grown to a whopping estimated 35 feet, and in their ideal environment, were only gonna grow taller. They came down September of 2019. When you’re tracking your sunlight, keep in mind that in the spring bare branched trees are not giving as much shade as they will in the summer; once they leaf out, the former illusion of filtered sunlight morphs into full shade. Be frank in your assessment, it doesn’t do you any good to be sentimental about trees. If they work they work, if they don’t they don’t. You are the boss.

Ideally, you’d like to find a nice sizable patch of ground that receives 8 hours of full sun a day, unobstructed by tree shade or building shade. But if your yard is mature, that may not be possible without removing or at least pruning a tree or two. Removing the lower branches of a tree can allow filtered sun to shine through where full shade once dominated, and for flower gardens that might suffice, but vegetables need more than filtered sun.

Our sunniest spot was over on the north east corner – which had been where the previous owners parked their RV so it was packed gravel, and possibly contaminated with oil. We didn’t have the resources to dig it all out and replace it with good soil, so we opted to put in raised beds, bricking in the pathways. Over the years, fruit trees have been planted in the yard and other trees have had to go – mostly because of shade in the wrong spots. The point is that sometimes you can MAKE sunny spots, or at least REMOVE sun impediments.

Your best spot might be in a soiled area where all you have to do is remove grass. Lucky you. Your best spot might be shaded by some nice trees. You can always prune lower branches to open up sunlight, or you might have to remove one or two. Remember, you can always plant another tree in another area where it can be a better neighbour. Your best spot might be in an area with poor soil or as in our case, no soil. In that case, raised beds might be your best option. Your best spot might be on your patio, in which case you may be obliged to grow in containers. If you live in an apartment, your best spot might be a balcony. Sun will determine your best spot. Every other condition is manageable.

I believe that for the most part, gardening directly IN the soil bed is the easiest and usually the best. But raised beds are a great alternative with a whole list of benefits.  
Container gardening IF the container is big enough and is watered frequently, is ideal for spaces where soil space is poor or not available like a patio or balcony. Remember however, that it doesn’t have to be all or nothing. There is no reason you can’t employ more than one method depending on what your yard or space provides. I have several flower gardens throughout my yard, all IN ground. My tomato garden is IN ground. My vegetable garden is in raised beds. I use containers throughout my yard, especially on my patio to extend my growing area. In-ground, raised beds and containers can all have a place in the same yard depending on space and exposure.

Sun is serious business, and I have a philosophy about where plants reside in my yard. If you are a plant that tolerates shade or partial shade, you will get it. There are too many plants that MUST have full sun, to be wasting it on any that are agreeable to less sun. So we have a very segregated neighbourhood in our yard: separated by their need for sun, full sun, less sun, partial sun/partial shade, mostly shade, full shade. Each area is populated by those who do best in it.

Sunny areas can be very HOT and will need special attention, and watering is very important.  Not watering often enough or giving too little water at a time stresses plants and makes them susceptible to disease.

Flowering plants like tomatoes and cucumbers love the sun. The sunnier the better. They will ripen better in the sun, and will in general do better in every way.

Leafy plants will bolt in hot sunny areas, so they could use a more filtered area. Partially sunny areas like east or west exposures offer a balance that is suitable for many plants including leafy plants.

SOIL – Preparing your soil and maintaining its best health

Soil is more than just ‘where your garden lives’, it is also ‘what it eats’, so pay attention to what’s in it.  Most garden soils, without regenerative organic additives will be depleted within just a few growing seasons.  To improve depleted soil or maintain good soil to a rich healthy plant-supporting environment requires a simple plan of adding organic material such as aged manure and compost.  Whether you buy compost or make your own, along with manure it is the best organic additive to your soil.

Getting to know your soil: sandy-clay-loam, acidic or alkaline

SANDY Soil is very loose, letting both moisture and nutrients drain away.  Working in organic matter like garden compost acts like a slow-release fertilizer helping restore nutrients, as well as providing absorbing material so important in moisture retention.  Preventing water from leaching through so quickly with also retain nutrients. 

CLAY is made up of very fine particles that stick together making it difficult to drain.  Working in nutrient rich organic matter like compost and well rotted manure (emphasis on WELL ROTTED), physically breaks up the clay improving drainage and acts as a slow-release fertilizer.   It also makes the soil easier to work in, and less compacted after rain. 

LOAM is a rich soil containing a well balanced amount of sand and sediment and other rich organic matter with a smaller proportion of clay. It is what we’re striving for in the perfect garden soil.

Replenishing your Soil

Even the best of soils must be constantly replenished with nutrient rich additives to keep them fertile.  Without replenishing, the soil becomes nutrient poor, no longer attractive to worms and not a good source of food for plants.  This results in weak plants with stunted growth, that are susceptible to pests and disease.  The answer is not fertilizer – vitamins, the answer is good organic material – FOOD.  I am not anti-vitamins for people or for gardens, but it cannot replace good food.  As with people, good nutrition is key.  Vitamins come afterward, if needed. 

Well rotted organic material and woodchip mulch is an excellent way of nourishing your soil, increasing soil moisture and adding loam to both sandy or clay soil. 

The best time to bring in manure is late fall or early spring, before planting or after the season’s growth is completed.  If you live in a rural area it might be easier to find, but hey, that’s what google and social media are for.  Do a little searching, ask a few people – you’ll find good sources.  The emphasis is always on “OLD” when talking about manure, especially if you’re going to use it in the spring.  How old is old?  There are many factors that contribute to breaking down manures so its not as simple as saying “3 years old is best”.  Manure that has decomposed adequately will be brown and crumbly.  It will have a fresh earthy smell, not the yucky fresh manure smell.  That could be as soon as second year, or take as long as three or four years – depending on sun and moisture.

Applying manure to your garden beds:
It’s all about your purpose. You may be adding manure for a number of reasons. If you are doing a big over haul of your soil in the spring or winter, you’ll be adding a lot.  Remember the older the better. Whether adding in the spring or fall, go ahead and layer it over the top. In the spring you should be able to plant as usual.  If adding in the fall, it will further break down over the course of the winter. If you’re applying old manure as a mulch mid season around flowers, spread one to three inches deep.  This will help conserve soil moisture, and will break down slowly over the season.  Leaving the manure in the top layer will slowly release its nutrition over the course of a season’s watering, letting it soak through with the moisture. You’ll get many years of ‘fertilizer benefit’ from this, as well as improving the texture of the soil.

Applying compost to your garden beds:
I generally apply last year’s compost to my beds in the spring as I prepare the soil for planting.  If I was buying it, I would do the same thing – in the spring. How much?  Since I make my own compost, I use whatever I happen to have.  If I was to buy a truckload, I’d apply it like horse manure – everywhere, and then either spread it on top or work it into the top layer. As with manure, if you need the material to break up the soil as with clay and sand, work it into it.  If your soil is already good texture, and you’re just adding it for nutrition, leaving the manure or compost in the top layer of your soil, will slowly release its nutrition over the course of a season’s rain.    

Burying Food Scraps in the Garden:
In the early spring I am anxious to start composting, but often times my existing compost is not quite ready for me to add my kitchen scraps.  In fact, most of the time it is still not quite thawed.  What to do?  The ground is generally thawed a lot sooner, so I dig a hole in a spot where I will NOT be planting root vegetables like carrots or beets, and bury my kitchen scraps.  By the time I am ready to plant seeds in that spot (making it impossible to bury more food scraps there), the compost pile is ready for the new season’s offerings. 

PH balance:  Soil PH is an indication of the acidity or alkalinity of soil and is measured in PH units.  The PH scale goes from 0 to 14 with PH 7 as the neutral point.   From 7 down to 0 the soil is increasingly more acidic.   From 7 up to 14 the soil is increasingly more alkaline or base. 
Why is this important?  Plant nutrients become available or unavailable according to the soil’s PH level.  Most vegetables thrive in slightly acidic soil, because that PH affords them good access to all nutrients, a good range being between 6 and 7. Its not possible to ensure your soil is exactly the right ph for each individual vegetable, but in general terms you can focus on certain ranges. Below is a good estimate.                                                                                                                      
Extremely acid: < 4.5
Very strongly acid: 4.5-5
Strongly acid: 5.1-5.5
moderately acid: 5.6-6
slightly acid: 6.1-6.5
neutral: 6.6-7.3
slightly alkaline: 7.4-7.9
moderately alkaline: 7.9-8.4
Strongly alkaline: 8.5-9
very strongly alkaline: >9

It is easy to test with a simple garden soil test kit using dyes, available at hardware or gardening stores, but don’t expect extreme accuracy with ‘numbers’, more just ranges with these kinds of tests.  You will however, get a good idea if your soil is strongly acidic, strongly alkaline or neutral.  Amending your soil is not difficult to do, and you can do it organically, but the sooner in the season you know what you are dealing with, the sooner you can start amending.  In addition to adding manure and compost there are things you could be adding to increase or decrease over all acidity. For instance, peat moss is an excellent soil amendment for acid-loving plants and is easy to incorporate. Simply spread two or three inches to the top and work it into the upper layer of soil. For soil that is too acidic, try adding agricultural limestone to it. Work it into the upper layer of soil. Do your research, and ask around for suggestions. These are two very different things bytheway. Asking your neighbour for his opinion is not research, but both are valuable. In this day when google can be your neighbour, you’ve got the best of both worlds at your fingertips. WHAT:

What vegetables?   What variety of those vegetables?  Where do you buy your seeds or seedlings?   

Plan to maximize your harvest by drawing a map.   Perfection and accuracy isn’t necessary, just be reasonable and close to realistic.   Planting rows north and south is always best, its just not always possible depending on your yard configuration.   If you have to plant east and west, watch that the bigger plants are in the back of the garden (north) so they don’t shade the shorter ones.   Do the best you can with what you’ve got, that’s really all you have to do. 

Best choice of vegetables to grow is entirely related to what is suitable for your area, your climate, your spot, and your sun availability, and of course your preferences.   Yes, you want to be adventurous, and Yes, you’d like to try new things, but remember this whole adventure is ‘NEW’, so maybe don’t get too exotic in your first year or two. Yes, you want to think outside the box – but you want also want to give your plants the RIGHT conditions where they can be their best selves.   Your first few years are important to your confidence as a new gardener.   Set yourself up for success by selecting varieties that others in your area are finding success with.   Ask around for best suggestions of what vegetables to grow, and what is suitable for your area.   Ask neighbouring gardeners.  Ask on gardening facebook groups.  Gardeners are always happy to share what they’ve gleaned and learned from others.  You want to give your plants the RIGHT conditions where they can be their best selves.

Not all plants do well in all conditions, or even in all areas of your yard.  For instance, I don’t grow carrots worth a hoot in my yard, but my friend a few blocks over grows the best carrots I’ve ever seen. I suspect its a sun issue for me, so I’ve tried different areas of my garden, but still I have yet to have a great carrot experience since living in this house. There may be some conditions that are simply not suitable, so I focus on what I grow best.

buying seed

There are no shortages of places to buy seed: local hardware or garden supply stores, dedicated seed stores, even grocery stores.  Many people order their seeds from seed companies.  Last year was the first year in a very long time that I ordered from a seed company on line, and I did that because with all the Covid weirdness that was manifesting itself in the stores (like the shocking TP shortage) in the spring of 2020, I wasn’t at all confident that I’d find seed in the usual spots.  It is my habit, and has been for most of my gardening years, to buy seeds one year ahead.  Every year I buy seeds for NEXT year, and this year I plant the seeds I purchased LAST year.  This way I am never worried about my prospective garden being at risk because I cannot find seed, or perhaps I might not be able to afford seed in any given year.  There have been years like that for us, and seeds are not cheap.  Planning ahead is part of my philosophy for being self reliant.  Of course, I may pick up an extra package of something to use this year, but by and large the pattern is to buy ahead.

while there are others I add from time to time, the basic vegetables I grow that I think are pretty universal are these:

BEANS: bush or pole; green, yellow, purple; all are tender and must be planted well after last frost; assorted varieties.  You may already have your favourites.  If not, ask around for recommendations.   For most years I have planted bush beans because they I’ve never really had places for pole beans to climb.  But last year we added some vertical trellises and an arbour to our garden in the hopes that by reaching UP, we might increase our productivity in the ground space we have, so, now pole beans are my preference.   Taste wise, my personal favourite type of bean is purple beans.  I like them for a number of reasons, but mostly taste.  They grow purple so they are easy to pick, but don’t worry, when you steam them they turn a gorgeous bright green.  They have a somewhat ‘nutty’ taste which I love.

BEETS: red, yellow; round, cylinder.   My personal favourite is the traditional gorgeous round red beets.   Detroit or Ruby Red are my choices.  Detroits also produce nice tender greens which is a big plus in my books. 

CARROTS: orange, red, white, yellow; long, short; varieties: Nante Coreless are my go tos but I am still open to suggestions and could be persuaded by seed company claims of traditional sweet tasting carrots.

CORN: best suited in large gardens with LOTS of sun.  Best to plant in groupings as they cross pollinate each other.  There are some years we’ve grown corn even in our city raised bed garden and had beautiful corn, there are other years the summer simply wasn’t long enough and it turned out we wasted the space.  You takes-yer-chances with Corn up here.  A favourite among the people I polled is Extra Early Super Sweet.

CUCUMBERS:   I haven’t had a lot of luck with cucumbers in my present garden.  I am looking for suggestions myself.  I am very motivated to have them grow UP on my trellises.

dill growing with poppies in strawberry patch

DILL:  This is a garden must for me, and I buy the seed in bigger bags of 250+ grams.  I broadcast the dill among my other plants as they grow straight up and don’t compete with their shorter neighbours. I realize dill is not a vegetable, its an herb – but it lives in my vegetable garden and I replant every year. For more references to dill in other posts, just search the key word.

GARLIC:  I plant bulbs in the fall to harvest the next late summer.  Grown in amongst potatoes, said to deter potato beetles.

KALE:  For years I have avoided everything from the cabbage family simply because I got tired of trying to outsmart the cabbage moth that is responsible for the thousands of ugly worms in cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and brussels sprouts.  I tried everything I ever heard about or read about, and in the end I gave up and decided those would things I bought from the grocery store.   So when ‘kale’ became popular, I didn’t even consider it.  Last year I bought 6 kale plants quite by accident, thinking I was buying flowering kale for my flower pots.   When I realized my mistake I decided to plant two of them in three different spots in my garden to see if there was a favoured spot.  I was pleasantly surprised that they grew well and we ate kale almost daily for most of the summer.  By late summer, the two that were furthest into the garden, and so less in my sight line, got quite eaten by some kind of rude bug – but the others seemed fine.  Lesson learned, this year I’ll be planting kale on purpose, and probably double what I planted last year.   *hint: they need sun of course, and water often. 

I have fallen in love with kale in the garden. It is ready to use from June to freeze up, always happy and healthy – just a little more ‘mature’ toward the end, like the rest of us.

LETTUCE: leaf, romaine, butter, head; I plant a pretty generic leaf lettuce that I buy in bigger bags of at least 250 grams.  I plant in the early spring, then replant about three weeks later to have some variety in readiness.  You could be picking baby spinach for a mixed green salad by mid June and will be picking right up till freeze.   Green garden salads almost every day. 

ONIONS: green onions or bulb onions, and every thing in between.  I didn’t grow onions for years, cannot recall my reason for stopping.  But last year I planted several green onion bulbs, to be pleasantly surprise with the results.  I think we’ll be good friends for many years to come as I plan to do the same thing from now on.  They grew well and quickly.  I planted them among radishes and leaf lettuce and harvested as needed ALL summer long.  They were wonderful to have on hand and we used the entire plant from bulb to the top green tip.

PEAS:  Peas are a great cold weather crop, so best to plant them early when they ground is finally ready to be prepared.  They like cold feet so don’t worry about a little cold.   For years I did not grow them because they took up more room than I felt I could spare, but now with my emphasis on growing UP, I suddenly am much more interested in planting some.   They’ll be done by the end of July, especially if you planted them really early.  So you can plan for them to make room for something that might need the sun later in the summer, perhaps zucchini?    
Stupid cutworms were a problem for me last year.  I’ve gotta come up with a better plan to combat those enemies this coming year.

potatoes in garbage bags with leaf mulch 2020

POTATOES: red, white, yellow, purple; varieties like Netted Gems, Red Norlands, Yukon Golds, Banana, Purple, etc. I love all kinds of homegrown potatoes.  Since we’re in raised beds, room for potatoes has been a problem for years but I generally plant a few plants every year anyway.  My very best experience with potatoes was many years ago when we planted about six potato plants in straw.  Everything about it was great but sadly, for one reason or the other we never repeated it.   Soon we moved from that house and the spot was different, getting straw was sometimes more difficult than others, . . . This coming year, I am committed to repeating the experience with some barley straw. 

RADISHES:  I am not particularly a fan of the taste of radishes, and a handful in a salad once or twice a year is usually sufficient for me.  However, for some inexplicable reason I bought two packages of radish seed last year and decided to throw one package in amongst my spinach, green onions and lettuce seed.   As expected, they grew quite quickly and were up and happy in good time.  In thinning some spots out, I tasted a few and loved the fresh, slight peppery flavour of the tender greens.  Always scouting for young greens to add to spring salads, I began adding the radish greens.  Terrific!  I found a recipe for radish green pesto so I made a batch.  BEST pesto Ever!  I made a great discovery that season that will pay off for the rest of my life.  Me and radish greens will be friends from now on.

SPINACH:  plant as early as possible, they like it cold and will bolt in the summer heat.  By the beginning of July, they’re done. 

SQUASH:  bush like zucchini, trailing like acorn, butternut, spaghetti.  My fave squash is butternut

SWISS CHARD:  This is a standard in my garden, I couldn’t have a garden without it.  One of my favourite summer dishes is SPANAKOPITA which I grow swiss chard especially for.  Its almost the only thing I do with it actually, other than a dish of steams greens here and there – but I am THAT serious about Spanakopita.

tomatoes along the west side of the house, climbing on a trellis to provide airflow along the bottom. Companioned with chives, basil, feverfew and marigold, with a healthy kale plant along for the ride just for fun.

TOMATOES: small tomatoes in pots, larger tomatoes in garden; determinate – fixed size which are usually caged; indeterminate which will continue to grow and grow and grow as long as the season allows, producing tomatoes all along the way.  In another climate, an indeterminate tomato could grow for years, trailing the ground and establishing rootings frequently.  
I have come across my favourite tomato ever in the last few years, first introduced to us by my sister who was given a tomato gift from a gardening acquaintance.  The story goes that the seed for the tomato came from Romania, so the type and name are a mystery.  My sister collected the seed and the following year grew her own plants.  She gave me some, we loved the tomatoes and collected our own seed which we started in the house last March.  At this point, I am convinced I may never grow another tomato variety again.   They are indeterminate.  They are hearty and healthy plants.   The fruits are delicious and sweet, and HUGE, as in huge-like-a-dinner-plate. 
I call them ROMANIAN GIANTS and I have seed to sell. 

when planting seeds, always defer to the instructions on the packets for specifics

TURNIPS:  I am a newly converted fan of turnips since I started roasting them (like sweet potato fries), so this coming summer will be my first attempt at turnips for at least two decades.  A perfect example of how one should never discount learning new favourites to grow in the garden.  Here’s hoping for a good experience. 

CABBAGE:  All members of the cabbage family with the exception of kale, are of NO interest to me in the garden.  I love them all, and use them in my daily meal planning, but I will not grow them. See above. 

I’d love to hear your garden experiences.


Cindy Suelzle


What a bleak world this would be without flowers: without their gorgeous colour, and their sweet intoxicating, natural fragrance. In the warm months, flowers abound in and around our homes, with many practical reasons for growing them – not simply “to gladden the heart“. But in the cold months, one has to be more ‘deliberate’ about including them. That’s where potpourri becomes an invited guest, but before we get to that, lets talk about how important flowers are to our gardens. Here are 6 reasons to grow them.

1. To attract pollinators

Bee enjoying the flower head of garlic chives, cut and destined to be part of a kitchen bouquet

The most important reason I grow flowers is because I like them. But probably the most important reason I grow flowers IN the vegetable garden, is to attract pollinators. Bees are not the only pollinators, but they’re the most recognizable, and they’re every gardener’s friend. As the bees (and other insects) collect pollen, they distribute it to nearby fruits and vegetables pollinating as they go. The longer pollinators stay in your garden, the greater the pollination rate, so planting flowers among vegetables like zucchini and other squash, and cucumbers is very important. Look for bright coloured flowers. Studies indicate that bees like the colour purple. I grow Borage throughout my vegetable garden primarily because of their purple flowers which attract the bees.

2. As companion plants

rosemary in the centre, marigold to the right, red orach behind, poppy leaf at 11:00, borage leaf at 7:00

Sometimes for shade, sometimes to attract pollinators, sometimes to attract pests away from vulnerable neighbouring vegetables, sometimes to repel pests, flowers are more than just pretty faces in the garden.

3. To improve soil

Flowers from the legume family like Sweet peas, Lupins, Wisteria and Clover can improve nitrogen levels in your soil, not just from growing but even after they’ve finished growing. With the lawn mower, chop up spent bean and pea plants, and then use as mulch in areas of your garden that need nitrogen. As the mulch breaks down and rain filters through it, important minerals like nitrogen are returned to the soil. As my Borage grows bigger and begins to shade surrounding plants, I cut stems to put into summer bouquets, but remnants get added to the mowing.
There are many other plants (not just flowers) like Mullein and Comfrey – that provide great ‘green manure’ for your garden. Be open minded to a benefit you may not have considered before.

4. To eat

summer garden salad: garden greens including leaf lettuce, nasturtium leaves, lambs quarters, dandelion leaves, carrot greens, marigold petals, nasturtium flowers, candied pecans, fresh garden raspberries

Many flowers like nasturtiums are more than beautiful splashes of colour in the garden, and more than attractive faces to pollinators. They are delicious, and nutritious. Nasturtium flowers and leaves, pansies and marigold petals are the perfect addition to any summer salad. Making sure they’re free of chemicals is important, but you know what you’re adding or not adding to your own garden. Common edible flowers are Nasturtiums, Calendula (and other marigolds), Borage, and Pansies (including violas). I even freeze Delphiniums and Geraniums in ice cubes to add to chopped water in a glass dispenser.

All parts of the Nasturtium plant is not only edible and delicious, but highly nutritious: flower, leaves, stem and seeds. Search the keyword “nasturtium” to read other posts about this wonderful and versatile plant.

*cautionary hint: Not all flowers are edible so do some research and get recommendations before you freely harvest. My grandkids enjoy eating the many things I give them to try but we have a very strict rule which is – you cannot eat anything that isn’t a berry – unless Gramma gave it you to eat.

5. To gladden the heart

Getting back to the “gladden-the-heart” part. For most of my married life, my mother in law had freshly cut flowers on her table all summer long, and I came to find JOY in that. It is a rare day that I do not follow her example and have fresh garden flowers on my table during the warm months. Through doing so, I have personally come to know the meaning of what ‘gladden the heart‘ means. Growing flowers ensures a steady supply of every changing seasonal bouquets, and that has become increasingly important to me as I get older.

6. Preserving

Drying flowers when they’re in their prime extends their season and their reach throughout the winter. Who says we can’t have flowers on our table all winter long too? That’s where potpourri comes in.

Flowers in the house – Potpourri

The definition of Potpourri (pronounced ‘poh-poo-ree‘, is “a mixture of dried flower petals with spices, kept in a pot or jar for their fragrance“. Variations of potpourris have been used for millennia, all over the world – for fragrance. The type of potpourri I make is patterned after European recipes, mostly because of climate related ingredients. The mixture contains dried flower petals and spices, and essential oils, as well as ‘fixatives’ – the ingredient used to ‘FIX’ the scent.

While there may have been a myriad of reasons people used potpourri in days gone by, there is only one reason I use it. Because I love the smell of flowers. There is something about flowers that come from one’s own garden, lasting for years in a potpourri mixture . . . . I have a 3 gallon crock in my living room full of flower petals that I have dried – some of those petals have been there for decades. I add to it yearly, tossing new petals into the old. Making your own potpourri is easy, and using flowers and herbs from your own garden makes it personal and memorable.  

part one – the ingredients

When selecting flowers, look for ones that keep their colour.
* Rule #1 – don’t rush your potpourri. Like many good things, sour dough and potpourri cannot be rushed. You’ll be starting in the summer as you’re drying flowers, and you’ll be finishing mid winter – perhaps. This isn’t a race, and good potpourri will last for years and years – so relax, take a breath and enjoy the process.

* Rose petals have always been the most basic and important part of any potpourri mixture. I grow few roses, but I collect some from friends, and of course – I receive fresh roses from time to time throughout the year. I never waste them.

Other flowers: Any flower that has a pleasant natural scent and retains a nice shape and colour when dried, is a prime candidate for most potpourri mixtures. Carnations, lilacs, violets, pansies, geraniums, peonies and lily of the valley are good choices. The only petal that I keep separate for its own unique potpourri is ‘Lavender’, and that is simply because it is different enough that it deserves its own pot, and because I am particularly partial to the scent of lavender. If I am to add any other flowers to a lavender potpourri, they will also be purple, of small delicate petals and similar in general, like lilacs, dephiniums, corn flower (bachelor buttons) and forget-me-nots .

Common herbs: such as oregano, rosemary, marjoram, thyme, lemon verbena, basil, assorted mints, sage, lemon balm and meadow sweet are good choices to add to floral mixtures or to use separately.

Spices: fragrant spices such as cinnamon bark pieces, whole cloves and allspice are sometimes used, and I can see their value, but they don’t usually make it into my own mixtures unless I’m making something ‘Christmassy’.

Citrus peel: In many old recipes, dried whole oranges are crushed and mixed with spices. Or one could thinly pare the rind from an orange, lemon, lime or even grapefruit and dry till crisp. They can be added whole or crushed.

this jar is chopped and dried orris root from 2019 and 2020.
Probably next summer I will grind it up in my coffee grinder to use.

Fixatives: A fixative is a substance that absorbs scents and retains them for a long time.  You really need a fixative, the gentle scent of flowers is simply too delicate to last.

The only fixative I have ever used in ORRIS ROOT. You may find it in specialty shops like spice stores, some garden shops, health food stores, or even craft stores, and it is something I can make myself – which of course is always appealing. Orris Root is literally the root of an iris plant. When you buy it, it may come in ‘crumbles’ or as a fine powder not unlike icing sugar in texture. It is easy to use.

Sandalwood. I have never used sandalwood, mostly because I don’t know where to buy it, but I do like the smell of it, and wouldn’t be opposed to using small pieces or slivers of it in a potpourri mixture from time to time.

Essential oils: Essential oils are added to potpourri mixtures to strengthen the scent. Be adventurous and experiment: of course you’re going to use your favourite scents, but try combining oils of ‘like’ scents, try mixing floral and herb scents that you like. Constantly test the ‘scent’ when mixing into your bowl of flowers.

part two – colour and texture

Potpourri should be as beautiful to look at as it is to smell, so pay particular attention to the dried colour of what you’re using. Occasionally you come across a flower or herb, that when dried, completely loses its beautiful colour. Don’t use it unless it smells so amazing you cannot pass it up, but seriously, I cannot think of a single example of an ugly dried flower that smells that amazing. Flowers that dry with beautiful shapes and colours are: borage, delphinium, forget-me-nots, hydrangeas, marigolds, nasturtiums, pansies, salvia, tansy and zinnias. Consider adding rose hips and other interesting treasures in your garden for texture.

Sometimes you come across such perfectly shaped small flower heads or beautiful whole buds, that it seems immoral to rip them apart. Keep them in their form. If drying them is an issue, you can use a drying agent – a ‘dessicant’ to help.

using desiccants for texture

Silica Gel
The most commonly used medium for drying flowers is SILICA GEL. You should be able to buy from a drug store, a craft store or a hardware store. To use, simply put a one inch layer of silica gel in an airtight container, gently place the trimmed bud or flower on top of the gel, stem tip down. Some flowers may want to lay on their side, some might be best laid stem tip up. Be flexible. Gently pour the gel on top of the flower, taking care to get gel between petals if possible, eventually covering the whole flower. Seal the container and place in a secure place, safe from being jostled. Expect it to take 2 – 6 days for most flowers depending on how dense they are.
* hint: Afer use, silica gel must be re-dried. Spread out on a tray and dryin a low oven until completely dry. Store away for future use.

I have never used borax to dry flowers but it sounds very compelling to me. I will for sure try it. According to directions, take 1 part BORAX and 2 parts cornmeal and stir to completely blend. Layer borax mixture in airtight container the same as for silica gel, place flower on top in the same way as above, gently sprinkling borax mixture over top. Not necessary to completely cover. Seal and put away. Leave for about two weeks, checking occasionally after the first week.

part three – harvesting and drying

Flowers: Just when the flowers are at their most beautiful – usually just before fully opening, is when they’re perfect. Afterward, both scent and colour will begin to diminish. Gather on a dry day, mid morning is best – after the dew has dried but before the heat of the sun.

When drying, pay particular attention to not crowding them. I usually just leave them spread out and loose on a clean tea towel in the open air inside the house and away from direct sunlight which may fade them. If you have a lot, use a baking rack to keep the air circulating. Petals should be dry and slightly crisp, which could take several days in some cases, so don’t be in a hurry.

part four – assembling your Potpourri

– Dry all flowers and leaves till they are crisp.
– Use a glass or ceramic bowl or pot to mix. Never use plastic or anything porous, or metal. Plastic will keep the smell long after making it difficult to use for anything else, and some metals may react to some oils. You really should dedicate your bowl to potpourri – then you don’t have to worry about scents lingering.
– Place all your petals and leaves in large bowl, add any other non powdered ingredient.
– Mix your scent and fixative: Simply add drops of the essential oil of your choice a few drops at a time and mixing well after each addition to an amount of orris root. How much orris root? Depends on how much potpourri you’re making, but maybe start with 4 ounces for approximately 6-10 cups petals. Blend essential oil into the powder with your fingers or the back of a spoon until thoroughly blended.
– Sprinkle the scented orris root onto the flower mixture, then toss with your hands to ensure it is sufficiently incorporated.
– Add whole citrus peel, whole spices and buds if using. Gently toss with fingers again.
– Gently move potpourri mixture into jars, crock, or ziplock bags. Seal to leave for about 6 weeks to set. If in a jar or bag, do not leave in direct sunlight. Toss petals or shake bags frequently – every day or two to prevent fixative from settling.

part five – Enjoying your potpourri. For years!

My 3 gallon Medalta crock is the main container for rose scented petals of all kinds. I’ve been using this crock for about 40 years. It can never be used for anything else at this point; I expect that scent has become part of the crock.

For many years I kept my potpourri in a crock pot in the living room. When the house whas freshly cleaned, I would remove the lid, toss the petals and let the scent waft through the room. A very good friend of mine developed a sensitivity to perfumes that evolved into sensitivity to most scents, including flowers. At first, I paid attention to NOT having the potpourri open when I was expecting her to visit, but it got so that I stopped lifting the lid at all in case she stopped by. I didn’t want her to not be comfortable in my house. This was quite a sacrifice at first, but soon we mostly forgot about what was in that crock. Life changes and my friend moved away. One day I rediscovered my lost love of potpourri and began the process of getting back into the habit of using it.

How to use

rose scented and mostly rose based in an antique jar and a not-so-antique jar

Don’t leave your potpourri out in the open for days at a time. The smell will dissipate over time. Personally, I never bring it out until the house is cleaned. It’s kind of a reward I suppose, but it just makes sense to me that a clean smell should go with a clean house.

1. Pour your potpourri into an attractive bowl in your living room. Toss with your fingers. Before you go to bed, pour back into the crock, or jar.

2. Make small sachets out of thin cotton fabric. Store them in your drawers, closet, linen cupboard, or even pillow cases.

3. Keep in pretty antique jars that you can put on the table, your dresser or your bathroom counter when desired. When done, replace the lid and put away. Keep jars out of sunlight.

Remember, that even the best oils will eventually lose their scent. Toss the petals with your hands from time to time, and refresh your potpourri with a few more drops of oil when needed. You can always start a new batch next summer, or continue to add to existing batch every season. For years I have two potpourris going. The big one is probably one third roses, so I use ROSE as my primary scent of choice. The smaller one is LAVENDER which is about half lavender petals and leaves, and the other half – supplemental petals like lilacs, delphiniums and borage flowers.

Lavender with a few like coloured flower petals like pansies, violas, lilacs and even a rose.

4. I buy nice little jars or make nice little cloth sachets and fill them up for gifts. Tie a piece of ribbon or lace.

I’d love to hear your experience with homemade potpourri. If this is your first time making one, be brave – you cannot go wrong. Have fun and tell me how it went.


Cindy Suelzle