About Me

My name is Cindy.   I guess you could say my homesteading journey began in our second floor walk up apartment when we were newly married.   It was fun to finally be “playing-house” for real, and I suppose I never really grew out of that stage.   It just got realer and realer as time went on.

Now I am the mother of five grownup children who all have children of their own.   One of my sons called me a “closet hutterite“.   Made me laugh, but I couldn’t think of a suitable retort.   Still working on that one.

These five great kids have given us nineteen wonderful grandchildren who are the joy of our lives.   I am married to my best friend.   His name is Dan, and he is not a closet hutterite. But he’s a patient sorta guy who doesn’t mind living with one.   Most of the time.

Truth is, in the beginning of our life together we thought (and hoped and prayed) we’d one day live on a small farm. ….. Well, life doesn’t always work out exactly how we picture it in our younger years does it?   It didn’t materialize quite the same way we dreamed it might, but that is totally okay.   Sometimes Heavenly Father gently nudges us in a different direction, and so here  is where we are.   In a big Canadian city, surrounded by lots of good neighbours. They’re also patient sorta people.   That helps.