getting enough fruits and vegetables . . . yeah right

okay be honest now, how many servings of fruits and vegetables do you get a day? Go ahead count ’em. How many did you get yesterday? How many so far today? And what about the variety?

The new Canada Food Guide says that at least half of what we eat in a day should be fruits and vegetables. . . . . uh, wait a minute while I soak that in. I believe I eat more fruits and vegetables than most people I know on most days, but I’d be hard pressed to say it is consistently half of what I eat. The recommendation is for an adult to have at least 10 servings a day! What does that even look like?

2 cups raw leafy vegetables
1 cup cooked leafy green vegetables
1 cup raw vegetables
1/2 cup cooked vegetables
1 medium potato or sweet potato
1/2 cup vegetable juice

1 cup raw fruit
1 medium apple, orange, banana
1/2 cup fruit juice

If 5 of your servings in a day came in the shape of a watermelon . . . well, good for you, I love watermelon too. But variety is where we’re going to get the assortment of nutrients we need for good health. 3 apples a day might be great once in a while but we NEED variety. And a good variety of ‘fresh’ (as in picked within a day or two) is almost impossible for most of us. Are you eating your colours? . . . enough cleansing greens? enough immune enhancing yellows and oranges? enough heart healthy reds? and enough deep antioxidant rich blues and purples?

If you’re like so many North Americans, you’re lucky to get a quick bowl of cereal, bagel or cup of coffee in the morning. You make it to lunch with zero fruits or vegetables. And then it goes down from there. For me, I have to FOCUS on making sure my diet includes enough Fruits & Vegetables. If I am not intentional about it, before I know it, I’ve slipped into old habits and I can easily make it to dinner time – lucky to have eaten an apple.

sigh ….. what to do?

If you’re still reading this, I am willing to bet you’d like to be eating better. And you probably even try hard to make sure your family does. And you are likely better than average, but 10 a day? Come on, that’s hard for anyone on a consistent basis. Especially in the winter (which is a long season in my part of the world). Did you know that 80% of us don’t get enough nutrition from plants? Sadly our SAD way of eating (Standard American Diet) causes severe health problems: 40% of North American adults (and 20% of young people ages 2 – 19) suffer from obesity, which puts them at risk for heart disease and stroke and type 2 diabetes, as well as tooth decay, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, osteoporosis and many types of cancer.

that’s a big yikes! and it deserves our attention

I think we all know a thing or two about the importance of fruits and vegetables and the reasons they should make up the majority of our diet, and yet . . . . . here we are. What holds you back from eating more fruits and vegetables in the day? Here are some of the typical answers North Americans give. Do any of them describe your situation?
* don’t know how to prepare them * too much time to prepare * too much energy, its easier to eat non vegetable meals * don’t like the taste * scheduling issues * haven’t made it a priority * too expensive * too much waste when we don’t eat it quick enough.
…. And millions turn to supplements to compensate for our lack of nutrition. Supplements instead of real food. I am not anti-supplements, but they’re only intended to ‘supplement’ good eating, not replace it. That’s why they’re called s.u.p.p.l.e.m.e.n.t.s.

Divide the 10+ servings into your day. That means consuming 3 – 4 servings at every meal with some nutritional snacking along the way. I know that sounds like: how can I even eat that much food? Well, the idea is that if you’re eating enough fruits and vegetables you won’t have enough appetite for the junk, or the less nutritious options. It’s not as hard as you might think. Here’s the HACK: it’s called “RUVI”from the root for “Roots of Life”. (Ru = Roots, Vi = Life)

* most helpful HACK for consistently eating more fruits & vegetables

Not a supplement. Not a juice. Ruvi is fruits and vegetables. Nothing more (really, nothing added) and Nothing less. Seriously, all the natural fibre you’d get if you ‘ate’ those fruits and vegetables, except you drink it. I know right! How easy is that? Each of the four blends contains the equivalent of FOUR complete servings! That’s freeze dried fruits and vegetables – the absolute most nutritious way of eating them. And you DRINK THEM.

And remember those reasons we have for not eating more fruits and vegetables?
* don’t know how to prepare them: hello, mix them with water and shake
* too much time to prepare: 20 seconds is all it takes
* too much energy, its easier to eat non vegetable meals: not sure what could get easier than Ruvi
* just plain don’t like vegetables : each blend is the perfect mix of fruit with the vegetables to make them delicious
* scheduling issues: what can be easier than a Ruvi in your purse, glove compartment, gym bag, locker at school, desk at work, trailer, 72 hour kit, and kitchen. Doesn’t matter what your day throws at you, you’ve got YOU taken care of.
* haven’t made it a priority: give yourself a 30 day challenge. Use Ruvi every day for 30 days, then step back and analyze how you feel. You’ll be thrilled by how much difference true nutrition makes.
* too expensive: if you were to buy the variety of fruits and vegetables that go into Ruvi – you’d be spending several times more $. This is the BEST and least expensive way of eating more nutritiously.
* too much waste when we don’t eat it quick enough: no waste with Ruvi. All the nutrition of ‘fresh’ produce and Zero waste (that means huge savings).

bottom line

There really is nothing like Ruvi. It’s straight up goodness that your body is craving in the simplest, easiest-to-consume form: freeze dried whole fruits and vegetables, and nothing else.

wanna find out more? click this link:

I want to know what your experience is with eating more nutritiously.
I want to know how you incorporate more vegetables into your daily diet.
I want to know what you think of “drinking your colours”.


Cindy Suelzle