You don’t have to move to the middle of nowhere to become a 'homesteader'. You can start right where you are. Today.
Author: admin
My name is Cindy. I guess you could say my homesteading journey began in our second floor walk up apartment when we were newly married. It was fun to finally be “playing-house” for real, and I suppose I never really grew out of that stage. It just got realer and realer as time went on.
Now I am the mother of five grownup children who all have children of their own. One of my sons called me a “closet hutterite“. Made me laugh. But I couldn’t think of a suitable retort. Still working on that one.
These five great kids have given us nineteen wonderful grandchildren who are the joy of our lives. I am married to my best friend. His name is Dan, and he is not a closet hutterite. But he’s a patient sorta guy who doesn’t mind living with one. Most of the time.
Truth is, in the beginning of our life together we thought (and hoped and prayed) we’d one day live on a small farm. ….. Well, life doesn’t always work out exactly how we picture it in our younger years does it? It didn’t materialize quite the same way we dreamed it might, but that is totally okay. Sometimes Heavenly Father gently nudges us in a different direction, and so here is where we are. In a big Canadian city, surrounded by lots of good neighbours. They’re also patient sorta people. That helps.
Have you ever lost the mate to a pair of favourite socks? Where DO they go? I am a reasonably responsible adult. I pay attention to detail. Okay probably not as well as some, but certainly better than most. I endeavour to keep my socks together when I wear them, when I put them in the laundry basket, and I believe they are still together when they go into the washing machine. So then what happens?
What happens to the ONE is one of life’s great mysteries and I have heard several theories, some more reasonable than others.
Canadian cartoonist Lynn Johnson theorized that the one missing mate somehow, during some drier-cycle-gone-wrong fluke (that just inexplicably happens sometimes), gets transported in time to some future drier. And just as we puzzle over the mysterious DISappearance of the odd mate, some future homemaker will puzzle over the mysterious APpearance of strange socks without mates. In all my research, this really is the only theory that holds any water, or that has any standing logic in my opinion.
The point is, as Joe J. Christensen established decades ago, you have a perfect match of socks in the beginning. They were prepared, even ‘created’ to be together. They have gone through the wear and tear of their useful life ‘together’. They have in effect, up to the critical time, eked out the measure of their creation together, until some inevitable, but unexpected ‘fire’, perhaps this time the heat of the drier caused more of a challenge than they had the power to overcome . . . and they became – separated. Lost. At least to each other. I mean how long does one continue to hold out hope that the missing sock be found? When does one simply cut their losses and throw the survivor out like yesterday’s garbage? It seems so heartless to punish the survivor, the one who ‘stayed behind’. But.What.Does.One.Do?
It may sound like an over simplification to propose that such a universal first world problem as missing and presumed lost socks could have a solution the kind of which I am going to present, but don’t discount it simply because its easy. What if it really could have been ‘this easy’ all this time? Nature’s best joke. Joe J. Christensen suggests – “the sock lock“. The binding tool of many successful ‘sock couples’. You use it by pinning the socks together by the toe (the strongest part) every time you put them in the laundry. I admit it sounds difficult at first, but hear me out. What if you developed the habit of doing that every time you put your socks into the laundry? It could happen. And if it did, it could solve an age old problem that has plagued generations.
Liken the ‘sock lock’ to the extra influences we are counselled to take advantage of, as binding influences in our marriages. Binding influences like PRAYER: as an individual, as a couple, as a family. Binding influences like DATE NIGHT: regular consistent meaningful dates between couples. Binding influences like COURTESY: not taking each other for granted, using good manners with each other, and giving genuine compliments. Binding influences like RESPECT: treating each other kindly no matter what, never-ever-ever-ever using bad language, raised voices, sarcasm, or rudeness when communicating with or about the other. The sock lock could be like any one of these other “binding influences”, it could be like all of them put together.
What if the problem of the missing socks was a ‘type’ – of something greater and more meaningful? What if we could actually LEARN something from socks? Sometimes great things truly do come from small things. The key to unlocking the mystery of the missing socks could actually be the key to happy marriages.
And here all this time, we thought it was about socks!
I’d love to hear some of your BINDING INFLUENCE suggestions and experiences.
Let me paint a picture for you. (cc 20-5 years BC – Helaman 11)
A people abound in wickedness, former enemies, but by now both are enemies of truth and right. They are called Nephites and Lamanites, and though they consist of many tribes, those nations are how they are identified to history. Their contention and disputations one with another erupt into full out war, nurtured by the deception of a power hungry group of evil men known by their founder’s name – Gadianton.
A prophet – Nephi is his name, is given – the power to bind and loose on earth and in heaven – (Helaman 10:7). He persuades the Lord to replace the war with a famine that the people might be brought to humility and repentance. The rains stop, and the earth does not yield forth grain in the season, slaughter from war ceases. A year without rain and a great famine covers the land. Destruction from the sword is replaced by destruction from famine. Two years without rain. The effects of the famine are felt among all peoples: Nephite and Lamanite alike, both wicked and righteous. Another year passes with no rain. The people perish by the thousands, especially (it is noted), in the more wicked parts of the land. Finally, the people begin to remember the words of the prophet Nephi – and they remember that there is a God. Funny how it sometimes takes so long to get back to the basics. I’ve heard it said that there are no atheists in foxholes. It appears there may be fewer atheists during famine as well. The people return to their God, who they had forgotten. At the point of their utter despair and almost sure destruction they acknowledge their former wickedness, repenting of it and plead to the prophet to intercede on their behalf and to send rain.
Moved by their plight, Nephi goes to the Lord in prayer for the people. Almost FOUR years without rain! “And now O Lord,” he pleas “wilt thou turn away thine anger, and try again IF they will serve thee? And IF so, O Lord thou canst bless them according to thy words which thou hast said.” (Helaman 11:16)
These are Big IF’s.
The people still have some proving to do. The Lord sends rain. So much so, that the earth begins to bring forth fruit in the proper season, and grain in its season. And the people are happy and glorify God, and the whole face of the land is filled with rejoicing. They rightly esteem Nephi to be a true prophet and a man of God, having great power and given authority from God. The people begin again to prosper and to multiply and spread out. They cover the land. They live in peace, forgetting previous offences, and thus it goes for more than two years, three years, almost four years. Then old grudges surface, conflicts begin to be rekindled, dissenters change sides and new strifes take hold. People begin again to fraction off into ‘tribes’ being divided by differences that could not be resolved in the absence of love. War commences. Gadiantons resurface, feeding on the discontent and exaggerated flaws of one’s opponents. In only a few short years the people have devolved from the terror of famine, to a return of the conditions that preceded it. Natural consequence when ‘love’ is not present.
The land virtually erupts in havoc, as the Gadiantons increase in number and wax strong, defying laws and those commissioned to enforce them. They plunder and murder for their own purposes, receiving daily additions to their numbers from the discontented. Government forces attempting to put them down are driven back, they literally infest the land, killing at will and even stealing women and children.
Can you imagine such a scenario? Anarchy in the streets. No regard for civil law. Proud and stiff necked, conspiring men who flatter the people and manipulate them to do their bidding in the name of whatever appeals to the people. This is no fairy tale, no work of fiction. It is literally out of the evening news in the year 20 BC on the American continent, as found in the chapters of Helaman 11-16.
This is the generation of Samuel, when believers among the Nephites are fewer in number than believers among the Lamanites. All over the land the people (both Nephite and Lamanite) are being prepared for the coming birth of “the Messiah” about whom their men of God have been prophesying for six hundred years. Believers await the signs they have trusted in all their lives. Unbelievers ridicule and mock them and trample everything that is precious and sacred under their feet.
Turmoil grips the Nephite capital city of Zarahemla, despite the not-to-distant humbling life changing destruction the famine. Into this environment comes a prophet, another one, this one from among the people of their traditional enemies. He preaches repentance to the people and they cast him out of their city, refusing to readmit him. He finds himself a podium upon which to speak – so that he can be heard by the greatest amount of people possible. He stands literally atop the city wall. His name is Samuel. He preaches as Nephi did, of impending destruction if they do not repent and trust in God, having faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. He claims an angel of the Lord declared it unto him. He tells them that it is for the benefit of those few righteous among them, that their city is saved, and had it not been for them, the Lord would have caused fire to come out of heaven to destroy it. He warns that if they ever cast out the righteous from among them, they would have no such safety net. He condemns them for their pride and greed, which he says leads them to much grosser sins like persecution of the righteous and even murder. He says that if a prophet told them what they wanted to hear, they would accept him and esteem him as a prophet, and even pay him well for being one, but if he testified against them, they would call him a false prophet and they’d get rid of him.
Up till this part in the book, I find the story disturbingly, even hauntingly familiar. It literally IS the news stories I read on line, the commentaries on every news radio station, and the speculative theory of talk show hosts and political podcasts. Anarchy in the streets of America’s capital. Those who meant harm, at the threshold of government offices. Corruption and inefficiency widespread. Gadiantons in public office. Secret oaths of conspiracy and collusion. And so here we are, the people – hung out to dry, wondering who is going to prevail, and which ‘side’ is right if either of them can be. And in the middle of it, a world wide pandemic which frightens even the most seasoned front line worker, keeping people isolated from work and peer groups. Unprecedented unemployment. Hotly contested political issues. Conspiracy theories abound. Accusations of treason on the highest levels. Freedom of speech, that sacred holy grail of democracies is being intimidated and altered. Faction against faction. Discord damaging communities, congregations and even families. Neighbour against neighbour. Brother against brother. All forgetting the higher law about loving one’s neighbour as oneself.
Ancient Samuel taught the people sound doctrine, and therein laid their hope. Modern prophet Boyd K. Packer taught that true doctrine has a greater ability to change behaviour than any other course of action, and it proves itself out in story after story throughout the Book of Mormon. After some stern chastisement, Samuel prophecies about specific signs to be given by which the people will know that the Messiah is born in the land of Jerusalem. The people knew for decades that the time was nigh, but if was always something vaguely in the future. Samuel gives specific details regarding a firm time within which to see these signs. “FIVE years” he says. Five years is a frighteningly short time, even if one has waited six centuries to get there
In our day, Russel M. Nelson teaches sound and pertinent doctrine, and herein lies OUR hope. He teaches about gratitude and of acknowledging the good that surrounds us. He teaches tolerance and racial unity. He teaches about the critical role we play in the Gathering of Israel, and admonishes us to focus on our responsibility to accomplish it. He teaches us to love our neighbour and obey the laws of the land. He uses social media posts to reach the people on our own level – wherever that may be. He has found his wall. He teaches us about love at home, and the responsibility of the home in training and strengthening children.
“I speak unto you as if ye were present, and yet ye are not. But behold, Jesus Christ hath shown you unto me” Mormon 8:35
In Samuel’s day, many who believed went forth to be baptized. Many more did not. The chasm that separated those who believed and those who did not believe grew to a wide fissure, a gorge.
I am not trying to sound like I think I know the answers to our problems today. That is why we have prophets. I am just overwhelmed by the similarity between the world I am reading about which unfolded over 2000 years ago (as they awaited the birth of the Messiah), and the world I live in in 2020 (as we await the return of that same Saviour). The more things change the more things stay the same, I guess. Mormon testified “I speak unto you as if ye were present, and yet ye are not. But behold, Jesus Christ hath shown you unto me, and I know your doing. And I know that ye do walk in the pride of your hearts; and there are none save a few only who do not lift themselves up in the pride of their hearts, …. For behold ye do love money and your substance and your fine apparel … more than ye love the poor and the needy, the sick and the afflicted. …” (Mormon 8: 35-41) I think he pegged us. I think we can learn a lot from a book which was written by a people who’ve been where we are now. I’d hate to repeat ALL their mistakes. Just sayin’.
This insightful parable of prevention may seem particularly befitting for our day, but surprisingly it was written over a century ago by a British temperance champion named Joseph Malins. It is a beautiful way of saying “Better safe than Sorry”, and it resonates deeply with me. In the interest of not wanting to curb someone’s personal choice, and to be politically correct, sometimes we shy away from simply say what needs to be said. Let’s face it, staying away from potential trouble often prevents trouble. I am grateful we have the ability to correct our mistakes, and I would never want to undermine the value of repentance and forgiveness, but truthfully, we can never undo what we did, and we cannot escape the natural consequences of our actions. What if we simply didn’t take the course to begin with?
” ‘Twas a dangerous cliff, as they freely confessed, though to walk near its crest was so pleasant; But over its terrible edge there had slipped a duke and full many a peasant. So the people said something would have to be done, but their projects did not at all tally; Some said, “Put a fence ’round the edge of the cliff,” some, “An ambulance down in the valley.”
sometimes it takes stepping away and getting a better perspective to see the bigger picture and the very real danger
But the cry for the ambulance carried the day, for it spread through the neighboring city; A fence may be useful or not, it is true, but each heart became full of pity For those who slipped over the dangerous cliff; and the dwellers in highway and alley Gave pounds and gave pence, not to put up a fence, but an ambulance down in the valley.
“For the cliff is all right, if you’re careful,” they said, “and, if folks even slip and are dropping, It isn’t the slipping that hurts them so much as the shock down below when they’re stopping.” So day after day, as these mishaps occurred, quick forth would those rescuers sally To pick up the victims who fell off the cliff, with their ambulance down in the valley.
Then an old sage remarked: “It’s a marvel to me that people give far more attention To repairing results than to stopping the cause, when they’d much better aim at prevention. Let us stop at its source all this mischief,” cried he, “Come, neighbors and friends, let us rally; If the cliff we will fence, we might almost dispense with the ambulance down in the valley.”
“Oh he’s a fanatic,” the others rejoined, “Dispense with the ambulance? Never! He’d dispense with all charities, too, if he could; No! No! We’ll support them forever. Aren’t we picking up folks just as fast as they fall? And shall this man dictate to us? Shall he? Why should people of sense stop to put up a fence while the ambulance works in the valley?“
But the sensible few, who are practical too, will not bear with such nonsense much longer; They believe that prevention is better than cure, and their party will soon be the stronger. Encourage them then, with your purse, voice, and pen, and while other philanthropists dally, They will scorn all pretense, and put up a stout fence on the cliff that hangs over the valley.
Better guide well the young than reclaim them when old, for the voice of true wisdom is calling. “To rescue the fallen is good, but ’tis best to prevent other people from falling.” Better close up the source of temptation and crime than deliver from dungeon or galley; Better put a strong fence ’round the top of the cliffthan an ambulance down in the valley.“
— Joseph Malins (1895)
yeah, sometimes . . . . . . I guess we simply have to own it
I’d love to hear your thoughts. Prevention or Cure?
Lemons are one of the most popular fruits in the world, and probably the most versatile. I can’t think of too many other fruits or vegetables you eat, then wash your windows with. They are highly acidic and are used in every part of a meal: main dish, sides, salads and desserts. They are used to tenderize meat and in salad dressings. They are used in baking, drinks, sauces and dips. My favourite yogurt flavour is lemon. They bring a fresh, delightful ZIP to everything they’re added to.
But did you know they’re also your best friend when it comes to cleaning your house?
They are clean and green, non toxic and relatively common. They cut grease and leave a pleasant smell behind, instead of the heavy antiseptic smell of normal household cleaners.
Recently I’ve been on a lemon-kick. I asked a lot of people what they use lemons for, and was surprised to find that very few people actually USE them outside of cooking or baking, and truth be told, not even a whole lot of that. Unfortunate. I suppose perhaps, most of us just don’t know their tremendous value. I readily admit, that lemons can be pretty pricey up here (in Alberta) for most of the year, but I thought: “if I had a house in Arizona and had a lemon tree, I’d probably use lemons for everything.” So I phoned my friend in Arizona who has a lemon tree, . . . . . Guess what? She doesn’t use them for anything more than I do LOL. Except that she puts them down her garburator because they help clean it out, and make it smell better. I don’t have a garburator anyway.
On the internet, I came across a TON of sensational claims for lemons! Apparently, they can do everything short of drive your kid to school. Who knew? It was tricky sifting through the ridiculous claims to extract reasonable tidbits of truth because there were SO MANY claims. It seems every thing on the internet has to be miraculous to get any attention. So I made it a matter of personal study. I bought some lemons and did a lot of experimenting, and I learned a lot of things.
The truth is – lemons are pretty amazing in the house and they don’t need us to exaggerate their usefulness, or try to make them look better than they really are. Admittedly, a lot of what they do well, vinegar also does – which is considerably cheaper in my world. Nevertheless, I think its worth taking note of some things, and I certainly think we should use them more than we do.
So I’ll tell you what I learned about lemons. Fresh – Dehydrated – Powder concentrate – Oil
in the kitchen: cooking and baking
Add them to baking: breads, muffins and cakes; as well as lemon soups and other dishes. Who doesn’t like lemon poppy seed muffins? Lemon blueberry muffins? Lemon coffee cake, lemon sugar cookies, lemon cheese cake . . . . the list is endless of things lemons made better.
– Lemon marinade for shrimp Dan uses lemon to marinade shrimp (that he grills on the BBQ). Very delicious. Lime would have been equally delicious. – drizzle lemon juice over fish or chicken while grilling – Lemon Chicken* See recipe below – Ricotta Cheese* See recipe below Not kidding. Use lemon juice to make homemade Ricotta Cheese*. Oh my goodness, so easy. You’ll never buy ricotta again. – Lemon Sauce*See recipe below Use to pour over fresh gingerbread and as a lemon drizzle for cookies, muffins or coffee cakes.
lemons and limes in the dehydrator fall of 2020
– Dehydrated I dehydrate lemons and limes when I have excess. A couple of years ago, I came across a great deal, and dehydrated about 10-15 pounds. Sliced and laid single layer in the dehydrator, they took about 24 hours when the dehydrator was full. They’re Beautiful, and very handy to use the rest of the year.
dehydrated lemons in water
One thing I love about having them on hand is lemon water. I use them dried to flavour cold drinking water all year long, when ‘fresh’ lemons are not readily available. I keep it in the fridge and serve it daily. I top up the water whenever we drink it down, keeping it going for a couple of weeks at least. When the lemons seem to have lost most of their flavour, I dump them into the dish washing water* (see below) and get a few new slices for the next jug of water.
Lemons as a natural alternative for cleaning
in the KITCHEN
CLEANING PRODUCE claim: fruits and vegetables from the store often have pesticides and other contaminants on them. The disinfectant quality of lemons make them a natural to remove toxins. Use 1/4 cup in 2 cups water. Soak your other and vegetables fruits for five minutes in the lemon water, then rinse and dry. Store as usual. my experience: seem to be fine
PREVENTING OXIDATION IN FRUIT AND VEGETABLES claim: Fruits such as apples, pears, peaches and avocados begin to ‘brown’ when exposed to air. This is called oxidizing. Squeezing lemon juice over top with prevent of at least slow this natural process down. my experience: ABSOLUTELY!! Who hasn’t used this age old kitchen hack?
CANNING ACID FRUITS AND TOMATOES claim: Adding a tablespoon of lemon juice to a quart of tomatoes, increases the acid level needed for safe hot water processing. my experience: ABSOLUTELY! Anything that is preserved in boiling water bath, MUST have a high acid content. The heat of boiling water is sufficient to kill off the micro organisms that cause spoilage, mold and fermentation, but not enough to kill botulism spores. Botulism can only develop in low acid, oxygen free conditions, which is why acid fruits like peaches and tomatoes are canned in hot water baths, but low acid foods like most vegetables, legumes and meat – must be canned at the much higher heat that pressure canning can offer. Acid is critical because it inhibits the germination of botulism spores. Adding a tablespoon of lemon juice (or vinegar) will give you an added level of safety to already acid rich fruits. I have ALWAYS added that little bit extra acid when home canning with the hot water bath method.
REPEL BUGS claim: to repel bugs my experience: I put some lemon wedges in a couple of house plants that were problematic for me with little types of fruit flies. Disappointingly, after several weeks, I didn’t find it helped at all. No effect worth reporting.
CUTTING BOARDS claim: Because of their antibacterial and antiseptic qualities, lemons are valuable for cleaning cutting boards, pizza stones and that sorta thing. my experience: I was happy with the results. It looked cleaner, felt cleaner, smelled cleaner, all of which gave me confidence that it actually did ‘good’.
REMOVING ODOURS claim: will remove unpleasant odours on surfaces like cutting boards and garlicky fingers. my experience: I rubbed half a lemon cut side down over the cleaned cutting board. Rubbed lemon juice or lemon oil onto my finger tips after peeling and mincing garlic. I was happy with the results. Smell gone from my hands completely. The board – pretty good, although I have used it to chop garlic and onions for years, so I don’t think anything is gonna bring it back to newness.
lemon oil
REMOVING ‘STICKY’ GLUE claim: will take away the stickiness on surfaces left from labels etc my experience: For label residue on book covers or other surfaces, just drop a couple drops lemon oil and rub gently around with your finger tips. Wipe away with clean cotton swab or tissue. Works GREAT!
NATURAL AIR FRESHENER claim: the oil in the skin of a lemon or lime is where the fresh scent is. Simmer uncovered gently in water for an hour on the back of the stove. my experience: pretty good
CLEANING STAINLESS STEEL, COUNTER TOPS, STOVE TOPS claim: to clean all that stuff my experience: dip half a lemon cut side down into coarse salt, and rub onto stove tops, counter tops, and stainless steel pots. Rinse and dry with dry cloth. I was happy with it.
okay, this is orange vinegar, admittedly not lemon. But don’t discount the value of other citrus fruits. Made with orange peel steeped in white vinegar for a couple of weeks. I dilute in the spray bottle slightly with water, and I use it as an all purpose cleaner. Cuts grease like nobody’s business.
SINKS, TAPS AND FAUCETTS claim: to clean, degrease and shine those things my experience: I used a lemon half with course salt or baking soda to scrub my sink and taps etc, in the kitchen and bathroom. I liked it.
CLEAN MICROWAVE claim: half a lemon in bowl of water in the microwave – power on for 5 minutes then let it sit for 5 more minutes to let the steam loosen the baking on nastiness, then simply wipe out with moist micro fiber cloth. my experience: I tried it and it seemed to work great. Admittedly, I don’t have and never have a really dirty microwave. I have talked to several people who’ve used lemons to clean them and they swear by it.
REMOVE HARD WATER SCALE AND DEPOSITS claim: boil water with a half lemon in your kettle for a five minutes then let it cool. Wipe out with a dry cloth to remove hard water deposits. Scrub with half a lemon if the stain is pretty set it. Soak your faucet head in lemon juice or vinegar overnight. Wipe down or scrub with with a brush. Rinse and wipe. my experience: I did exactly that and IT ROCKS!
CUTS GREASE claim: throw a leftover half lemon into your dish washer for a cycle. my experience: I don’t have a dish washer so I throw it in my sink of hot soapy water when washing dishes. I love how squeaky clean it makes every thing. Shinier metal pots, clearer glasses, streak free counters.
GLASS CLEANER: 3 T lemon juice + 1 cup of water in spray bottle. Spray onto windows and wipe with dry micro fibre cloth.
GENERAL CLEANSER: fill clean jar with clean lemon peel. Top up with white vinegar and let sit for a minimum of two weeks. Strain and put into glass spray bottle. See the image above for orange vinegar. Another excellent all purpose cleaner.
DEGREASER: 3 T lemon juice + 2 cups water + 1 T baking soda + 1 t dish soap. Spray onto surface, let sit for a few minutes, then wipe off with clean damp cloth.
claim: that they make your whites even whiter – no bleach required my experience: Yes they do. Slice up a few lemons and add to a pot of water. How many? One, two, three: depends how big your pot is and how much water you’re using. Bring the water to a boil. Turn off heat, add your white tea towels, napkins, pillow cases or whatever, into the water and let them soak for an hour or so. Remove, wring out by hand, and launder them as you usually would – with other whites of course. Will lemons replace bleach in getting out stains? I doubt it. The citric acid breaks down stains that make whites seem dingy after a while, and it IS a gentler alternative to bleach. But for the bad stains, bleach is still here to stay. On a side note however, I find that sunshine also does a great job of keeping whites white. I use a clothesline in the warm months, and in the hot sun of summer, I’ll sometimes leave my whites on the line for two full sunny days. Back when I was using cloth diapers (yes, I used cloth diapers for all five kids), I found that by the end of winter, my diapers were getting a little dingy. Over the course of summer, they became noticeably brighter and whiter. Clean whites soaked in strong lemon water and then hung on a sunny clothesline is a total winner!
– Use half a lemon with baking soda on all your taps and faucets, scrub then rinse and wipe off with clean dry cloth – plunge the water out of the toilet, then use half a lemon with baking soda to scrub the inside bowl. Dispose of lemon immediately. – clean anything in your bathroom the same way – then rinse and wipe. – soak your toothbrush in lemon juice and baking soda for 30 minutes then rinse. – do the same thing with your hair brush.
Lemon juice as a : – natural toner and cleanser, – natural astringent, lemons will help decrease inflammation – decrease oil that may contribute to acne and other blemishes – breaks down dead skin cells for better removal, which also helps with acne – Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant that helps reduce skin damage and premature aging – mixing with aloe vera may help with any irritation caused by the acidity of it – lemon oil dissolves sticky wax residue when waxing your skin
Lemons are *ANTIBACTERIAL, * ANTIMICROBIAL, * ANTISEPTIC. The enzymes help with digestion, the rich vitamin content helps with our immune and respiratory systems, and “we” have discovered they help with kidney stones.
our experience: My Dan is a professional kidney stone maker. He can produce them like nobody’s business, but if you’ve ever had a kidney stone, you know this isn’t a good thing. He’s done everything and taken everything, that we’ve ever heard of or read about, that even had the slightest chance of helping. We set all prejudice aside in the name of being open minded. So hard to say if most of those things helped or not, because after a while there was always another kidney stone. Until over 10 years ago. . . . We heard that the natural acid in lemon juice prevents the formation of kidney stones – something about dissolving the calcium they’re made of. I don’t pretend to be an expert, or even to understand the science behind it, but Dan started drinking lemon juice in his water faithfully every day. Its a pretty strong sour taste – but he acquired a taste for it. And for more than a decade, no more kidney stones! Yup, you could say we’re converted. Longest stretch in his adult life without kidney stones. Kinda hard to turn your back on that little wonderful fact. However, that much lemon juice in your water everyday is not without its underside. It is absolutely brutal on the enamel of your teeth! Dan hardly has any enamel left, and he’s in the process of getting lots of crowns. Truthfully, we cannot blame lemon juice entirely for all of that. I suspect a life time of drinking coke contributed, but the lemon juice sure didn’t help. Would we recommend it? Yes! Would we do it again? You betcha. But we’d pay more attention to the problem of acid on the teeth. The Moral to that story? Lemon juice is good for you. But rinse your mouth out after drinking it.
Winter is CITRUS SEASON. You should find prices will be best between November – April, especially December – February.
My TAKEAWAY from all my lemon experimenting – Would I buy lemons just for cleaning? Living in Edmonton, probably not. Unless I got them for a pretty good price. I use vinegar for much of the same things. If I lived in Arizona however, I’d use lemons a LOT. For now, it would depend on price and availability. But – I’d sure second-use every piece of lemon that was in my house before I threw it into the compost. I use lemons for everything I mention above and I REALLY like the results. I like the squeaky clean (literally ‘squeaks’) feel, and the scent. I like that it cuts through grease and stickiness.
words to define: *ANTIBACTERIAL – prevents the growth of, or outright destroys bacteria. *ANTIMICROBIAL – resists or destroys pathogenic micro organisms. *ANTISEPTIC – destroys and prevents the development of microbes. *PATHOGENIC – means capable of producing disease MICROBE – germs
*LEMON CHICKEN: Dan’s version(4 servings): 3 or 4 pounds chicken pieces – evenly sized zest from 2 lemons + juice from one, slice the other lemon to use as garnish 2 cloves garlic crushed fresh garden herbs in the summer: thyme and rosemary chopped OR dried garden herbs in the winter: thyme and rosemary (crumbled) 1 teaspoon each of salt and pepper 2 Tablespoons melted butter Marinade the chicken in lemon juice and seasonings for about two hours. After marinading, place chicken in baking dish (reserving the lemon juice mixture in the fridge), brush liberally all over with butter and bake at 425 for about 40 minutes. About 20 minutes into cooking, remove from oven and baste the chicken with ALL of the reserved marinade. Be generous. Return to oven and continue to bake till chicken is cooked through. Chicken is cooked when the juice runs clear and the skin is brown and crispy. Remove from oven. Don’t over cook. Cover with tin foil and let rest for 15 minutes. Serve with remaining juices in a saucer on the side. * Not including marinade time, expect this dish to take about an hour. While its baking, prepare some rice or noodles to serve it with.
Thrive Life lemonade powder, while in a base of non GMO cane sugar, is for all intents and purposes, unsweetened. Strong natural lemon flavour from lemon oil, used to make lemonade of course (add your own sweetener), and in place of lemon juice in most recipes.
LEMON CHICKEN: Cindy’s version (4 servings): I don’t cook meat, so I use freeze dried chicken pieces. Using the same recipe as above, I would take the larger pieces of FD seasoned chicken strips (about 2 1/2 cups), and refresh / marinade them in the same mixture as above, for about twenty minutes to ensure all the wonderfulness of the lemon was absorbed fully.
In a hot skillet, I would saute Freeze Dried sliced onions, (just a minute or two until aromatic) in the melted butter, then add the seasoned chicken pieces and the remaining marinade liquid. I would probably add some FD red and green peppers because I could, and maybe some FD broccoli too. Maybe even some FD asparagus at the very end. Depending on the additional vegetables I ‘might’ add, its possible I might have to add a bit more water if necessary. Not too much. 1/2 cup to 1 cup (?) When all is heated thoroughly, remove from heat and let it sit covered for 5 minutes. * Not including marinade time, expect this version of the dish to take less than 15 minutes. You better have your side dishes ready. Serve over rice or noodles or mashed potatoes – exactly the same as Dan’s recipe above.
*Lemon Sauce 1 cup white sugar 1 tablespoon white flour 1/4 cup butter 1 cup boiling water Stir together over low heat till sugar is dissolved and sauce is beginning to thicken. Add juice of 1 lemon (or 1 tablespoon of THRIVE lemonade powder). Stir till incorporated. Add a little more water if necessary. Pour over gingerbread cake, Christmas pudding, English trifle, or wherever you want it.
* Homemade Ricotta Cheese What is RICOTTA CHEESE? Italian ricotta is a fresh, soft, white cheese made whole milk It is heated near a boil, which causes it to coagulate and form a soft cheese. Like paneer, and cottage cheese, and other fresh cheeses, ricotta can be heated without melting. This makes it perfect for filled pastas like ravioli, and baked good like cheesecake.
2 litres WHOLE milk 1 teaspoon of salt – optional 1/3 cup fresh lemon juice (or 1 T Thrive Life Lemonade) large pot, wooden spoon or silicone spatula, thermometer, something to keep the thermometer off the bottom of the pan, colander and some cheese cloth to strain the cheese, large bowl to strain into
Pour milk into a large pot and begin heating over medium low heat. Slowly bring to 180 degrees Fahrenheit. Expect it to take up to 30 minutes, stir frequently to prevent scorching on the bottom. Increase the heat and cook, watching closely until the surface begins to lightly bubble, but doe NOT boil. Keep a watchful eye on it, stirring regularly. This should be approx 200 degrees F (up or down a few degrees). Add lemon juice (or lemon powder), stir to incorporate. You will see the milk immediately begin to curdle.
Remove from heat and let the pot sit for 15 minutes. Line a colander with cheese cloth, and place over large enough bowl to catch the whey. Spoon the curds from pot to cloth lined colander, and let it strain for half an hour. When cheese is cooled squeeze gently to form ball. Use immediately, or store in fridge up to 3 or 4 days.
so, this is an unusual post I’ll admit. In fact none of the words below this introduction are my own. They were sent to me without notation and it took me a while to find their original author. I did by posting it to which a friend responded. Thank-you Kate Evans for solving the mystery. And thank you Heather Farrell for writing them. A link to her facebook page Women in the Scriptures (a marvelous site which I highly recommend) is below. The message was originally shared by my friend Suzanne, and I was moved by their message. They spoke to my heart, and I have always, always, always believed them.
Mary Heard His Word by Walter Rane; “… Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her” (Luke 10:38-42)
God loves His children. All of them. None more or less than any other. But to men and women He has given distinct roles, evidenced by their very natures, and their natural inclinations. There is no need to put one gender down to lift the other up, although many have felt the need to do so. Both are equal to our Heavenly Father, in their different roles. Of this I am confident, and constantly validated.
Seeking Shilough by Joseph Brickey.
In the church I belong to, the “Priesthood” is given to men. I’ve heard some (both men and women) outside the church who have a problem with that. For some reason they feel the need to defend Latter-day Saint women as if somehow we’ve been shortchanged. Not the case. And though I thank you for your care and well meaning intention, I don’t feel threatened by this difference. Not at all. In fact, I am completely content in my standing before God. I feel loved and valued. I serve my congregation in meaningful ways, never in a lesser way than my husband, sons or any other ‘male’ in it, notwithstanding the fact that I do not hold the Priesthood, which means that I will not ever hold some offices within my church. Totally okay with that too, as there are also many roles within the church that men will never hold. We’re back to that ‘difference’ in our roles again.
Some of this is a conversation for another time, but for now, may I share my testimony that GOD SPEAKS TO WOMEN.
Enjoy Heather’s words below. I have updated this information since my original post.
God Comes to Women
Lamoni’s Wife by James Fullmer
“Have you ever noticed how in the scriptures, men are always going up into the mountains to commune with God? Yet in the scriptures we hardly ever hear of women going to the mountains. But we know why—right? Because the women were too busy keeping life going; they couldn’t abandon babies, meals, homes, fires, gardens, and a thousand responsibilities to make the climb into the mountains! I was complaining about this to a friend the other day, saying that as a modern woman I feel like I’m never “free” enough from my responsibilities, never in a quiet enough space I want with God. Her response floored me. “That is why God comes to women.” she said “Men have to climb the mountain to meet God, but God comes to women wherever they are.”
I have been pondering on her words for weeks and have searched my scriptures to see that what she said is true.God does indeed come to women – where they are, when they are doing their ordinary, every day work. He meets them at the wells where they draw water for their families, in their homes, in their kitchens, in their gardens. He comes to them as they sit beside sickbeds, as they give birth, care for the elderly, and perform necessary mourning and burial rites.
As it Began to Dawn (Mary Magdalene) by Elsbeth Young
“Even at the empty tomb, who were the first to witness Christ’s resurrection, were only there because they were doing the womanly chore of properly preparing Christ’s body for burial. In this seemingly mundane and ordinary task, these women found themselves face to face with divinity.
So if – like me – you ever start to bemoan the fact that you don’t have as much time to spend in the mountains with God as you would like, remember: God comes to women. He knows where we are and the burdens we carry. He sees us, and if we open our eyes and our hearts, we will see Him, even in the most ordinary places and in the most ordinary things.
President Russell M. Nelson told us two years ago that “the Gathering of Israel is the most important thing taking place on earth today. Nothing else compares in magnitude. Nothing else compares in magnificence. Nothing else compares in majesty.” He clarified “When we speak of the Gathering, we are simply saying this fundamental truth: Every one of our Heavenly Father’s children on both sides of the veil deserves to hear the message of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.” He clarifies further “To accept and receive His gospel with all its blessings, that God promised to the lineage of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.” (Russell M. Nelson, July 27, 2018)
I heard the question asked recently “How does Covid fit into this important mandate to Gather Israel?” One response was that during these trying times of loneliness and isolation many people are hurting, and many people are more receptive to the tender message of the gospel. These are opportunities for us to reach out and give a comforting word, offering the hope and courage that the gospel of Jesus Christ possesses.
There are many things we as members of the church can do to help brighten the day of others and to be a beacon of the light of Jesus Christ in their lives. Hopefully, in the five months of good weather we just finished, we took the opportunity to visit our neighbour frequently, at the very least with a smile and a cheery word in the front yard. Hopefully we took the opportunity to invite someone to eat with us out in the fresh air of either our back yard or another place. Hopefully we walked with a friend on beautiful summer evenings. Even those of us without yards, have access to public parks and walkways. How easy it was to invite someone to join us often as we breathed the fresh air of those beautiful days.
We’re now going into a season where we will have to be a little more creative in how we interact with others. The weather has turned cold (its past the middle of October at time of writing), and we’re driven inside where we’ll stay for the next several months. I hope we’re not going to use this as an excuse to isolate ourselves socially just because it is required we isolate ourselves physically. They are NOT the same. It is important that we don’t breath the same air as another not living in our house. That does not mean we cannot be part of their day or part of their life. If we have anything at our fingertips, it is opportunity to influence Heavenly Father’s children for good. Covid or no covid. We know “that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save He shall prepare a way that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them.” (3N 3:7)
It is no coincidence that the last several decades have led to our ability to not only communicate but to be intimately involved in each other’s lives from anywhere in the world including our own homes.
Many years ago, President David O. McKay spoke of accomplishments and scientific advances that stagger the imagination. “we will yet see” he said in 1968, “exciting developments unfold as research continues.” How amazed he might be today. A decade later, President Kimball said “The Lord will lay in our hand inventions which we can scarcely conceive, whereby we will be able to bring the gospel to the peoples of the world. … I have faith” he said “that the Lord will open doors when we have done everything in our power.” (GC Oct 1974)
So here we are, with tools to communicate at our finger tips that even five years ago we couldn’t imagine. All of them inspired of the Lord, for the purpose of Gathering Israel. Even Social media. Yes, even Facebook. Is there bad about social media? Of course there is. Satan is the great imitator. He has always taken the Lord’s tools and manipulated them for his purposes. Elder Ballard reminds us that “some of these tools – like any tool in an unpracticed or undisciplined hand, can be dangerous.” (December 10 2017 BYU Hawaii Commencement) But the responsibility is ours to go forward and use them for good. Elder Gary E. Stevenson said “There are so many applications for the use of technology in appropriate and inspired ways. We should do all we can to teach the righteous use of technology to the rising generation, and warn and prevent unrighteous use and associated hazards as well. Ours is a message of peace. You are the messengers that preach it. And you can do this through these new and exciting channels of technology.” (BYU Womens Conference 2017)
The responsibility is ours to minister to our brothers and sisters, to cheer and uplift, to “comfort the weary and strengthen the weak“, to spread the gospel in everything we do, using words only if necessary. And that responsibility is not suspended because of some outside distraction like Covid19.
54 easy ways to share the gospel just by being you
1 – thank someone who made you smile
2 – share a positive note via email, private message, text or good old fashioned mail – OFTEN
3 – post heart attacks with encouraging words or your fave quotes – on doors, windows or vehicles
4 – give a genuine compliment
7 – offer to run errands for them
5 – SMILE more
being the kind of neighbour who makes the neighbourhood a good one:
6 – check on your neighbours from time to time, especially if they’re elderly or disabled
8 – go to five doors on either side of you, introduce yourself if necessary, and leave your contact information in case someone could ever use a hand
9 – be the kind of neighbour that others will feel they can ask to help out from time to time: watch a pet, check their house while they’re away, mow their lawn, help with Christmas lights or help in an emergency . . . .
10 – be the kind of neighbour who notices things: when someone is celebrating a happy occasion as well as if they might be in distress. Everyone remembers the neighbour who brought a baby gift, or a plate of something for the funeral
11 – be respectful of your neighbours by keeping your yard tidy
12 – be part of making your neighbourhood a cheery place by decorating seasonally ie: putting up Christmas lights
13 – while you’re mowing your front lawn or shovelling your sidewalk, mow or shovel for your neighbour.
14 – support your community league by taking a class they offer
15 – volunteer at a few community league events now and again
16 – offer to teach a skill you have to your community group, free of charge of course
17 – play a musical instrument in the park, on your balcony or on your front porch for others to enjoy
18 – chalk drawings on the sidewalk with happy cute images or any message intended to create a smile
19 – share something personal with your neighbour: some flowers or produce from your garden, baking, or an extra treat you bought yourself, . . .
20 – take a plastic bag on your next walk to pick up the trash you see
21 – take your children to a public park and invite other children to join the fun
22 – SMILE more
Being a friend
23 – phone someone just to chat and see how they’re doing. Who doesn’t like to know you’ve been thinking of them?
24 – pray for people you know are struggling
25 – start a light-hearted challenge with a friend to see how many people you can greet with a smile, a few words, a text, email, etc. Set the rules so each individual has to improve their personal-best.
26 – have the missionaries over for dinner once a month, and invite a friend or neighbour at the same time, so all can see how pleasant and ‘unthreatening‘ they are
27 – get to know the people our missionaries are visiting by offering to accompany them in their lessons
28 – by phone, email, text, or Private message, reach out to one less active member of your ward this week (and another one next week) just to touch base with them so they know they are missed.
29 – invite the adults and youth you know to follow some of these suggestions too.
30 – ask the Lord to bless you with the opportunity to touch someone’s life for good today, and follow the promptings.
31 – when you go grocery shopping, offer to pick something up for your someone who could use a hand
32 – plan to make extra for dinner and then phone a friend and tell them when dinner will be delivered
33 – share a book
34 – SMILE more
Being the kind stranger
35 – slow down. stop and chat with someone in line. You’re not going anywhere anyway.
36 – offer to let people go ahead of you in line when they have a small amount, or look like they are uncomfortable or in a hurry
37 – put a happy face on your mask
38 – go for a walk around your neighbourhood. Notice people.
39 – wave, nod, smile or say hello to people you pass while walking
40 – set a goal to say hello or otherwise greet one more person than you said hello to yesterday. Keep increasing your goal.
41 – SMILE more
“If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.” Seeking is good, but sharing on Social media is better.
42 – post a tender video clip or a fave quote from General Conference on social media
43 – like and comment on others’ uplifting and edifying posts
44 – share a fave music video on social media, and give the reason you like it.
45 – share a recipe on facebook, and tell why you’re sharing it
46 – share your gratitude for blessings on social media
47 – start a fun interactive group text or messenger chat with a survey asking something like “best cake ever eaten?”
48 – SMILE more
If you’re looking for an example in the church for participating on social media, you’ve got it. The Church has embraced all media in its effort to reach out. If that is where people are communicating, then that is where we should be talking. Elder M. Russell Ballard said “There are conversations going on about the Church constantly. Those conversations will continue whether or not we participate in them. We cannot stand on the sidelines while others, including our critics attempt to define what the Church teaches. … Perceptions of the Church are established one conversation at a time.
“May I ask that you join the conversation” he implored, “by participating on the Internet to share the gospel. … You can start a blog, … You can download videos from the Church and other appropriate sites, and send them to your friends. …. Far too many people have a poor understanding of the Church because most of the information they hear about us is from news media reports that are often driven by controversies.
49 – take the time to gently and kindly correct misrepresentations in the media about the Church or its teachings
50 – share tender testimony of a specific principle when prompted: in person, in a shared social media post, in response to another’s comment, or in a self written blog or social media post
51 – pray for experiences to share the gospel, and then open your eyes to them
52 – “be thou an example of the believers” (1 Timothy :12) in all you do. Be honest, be fair, be kind, be gentle, be warm, be joyful ….
53 – remember that you represent the Lord in all you do. You took on that responsibility at baptism and you weekly “witness that you are willing to take upon yourself His name, to always remember Him and keep His commandments.” (Moroni 4:3) Take that responsibility very seriously.
“Let us all stand firmly and speak with faith in sharing our message with the world.” Elder Ballard continues “… Your outreach can be international. … As you participate in this conversation and utilize the tools of the new media, remember who you are. .. We simply need to have a conversation, as friends in the same room would have, always guided by the prompting of the Spirit and constantly remembering the Atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ, which reminds us of how precious are the children of our Father in Heaven.” (excerpts taken from ‘Sharing the Gospel Using the Internet’ News of the Church, June 2008)
54 – SMILE more
In case you didn’t see a recurring theme, its a reminder to us all to ‘SMILE’ more. We have so much to be grateful for, even in these troubled times. There is peace in gospel living, in living the principles of provident living, and in living the principles of preparedness – on all levels. We should rejoice as we go forward, because we have so much to rejoice over as we continue to do our best.
May God Bless us in our efforts to love our neighbour as ourselves, to link arms in our efforts to Gather Israel, and to be obedient in all things.
I don’t know when I started loving fall and Thanksgiving. The colours, the smells, the foods, the geese flying south, the warmth of the sun on still autumn days, the crunch of leaves while walking in the river valley, sitting around the fire on crisp evenings, . . . . . Not sure if I always have loved it, or if it started with autumn memories that included Dan. We started dating in Edmonton during the late summer, and I moved away within weeks to Cold Lake. I was a teenager just starting high school. He came up to see me a time or two and we wrote for a while, but long distance romances when you’re that young are difficult at best.
Two years later I was passing through Edmonton again in the late summer and we reconnected for a short while. A couple of dates and I was back in Cold Lake in September to begin my final year of high school. I had grown up a little, he had grown up a little more. The following weekend, he drove to Cold Lake to visit me and I prepared us a picnic lunch. There are plenty of beautiful places to go for picnics around Cold Lake, and we had a lovely time. This became the beginning of many weekend pilgrimages from Edmonton to Cold Lake, throughout the fall and winter. It wasn’t long before we became engaged. He got an insider look at my family in all our glory: good, bad, and yes, even the occasional ugly. He came to church with me on Sundays and met many of my friends. Conversations lasting many hours helped us get to know each other, and eventually winter turned to spring. He wanted to get married in the spring, but for me, it had to be fall. I needed a little bit of time between high school and the commitment of marriage. And fall had become a significant time in our story anyway. We were married the following October. Thanksgiving weekend. My apologies to everyone who had to give up their Thanksgiving weekend that year to travel to our wedding. That meant you didn’t get your usual traditional Thanksgiving Dinner – which I never considered at the time. Sorry ’bout that.
Thanksgiving includes DINNER to me – one that involves planning and preparation. In the beginning, we were always at one of our parents’ homes on the Thanksgiving weekend. There were some constants between our homes of course: roast turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes with gravy, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie. And there were some variables: brussel sprouts, sweet potatoes, broccoli salad, perogies, cabbage rolls, variations on pies and pumpkin, and my Gramma Harrison’s marshmallow fruit salad – depending on where we were. But it was always with family. That was the critical component.
Thanksgiving however, is more than dinner. It’s memories. It’s harvesting the garden. It’s late summer tomatoes. It’s apples, and apple juice, purple grapes and high bush cranberries. It’s the humidity of the canner, the hum of the dehydrator. It’s crisp outside, warm inside. It’s family. It’s the time of year (not just the day, but all the weeks leading up to it) that the bounty of the season causes one to pause and reflect on those things we’re most grateful for. And more than that, its a good time to vocally express our appreciation to others and to Heavenly Father.
Over Dan and my years together, Thanksgiving evolved from us going to our parents homes, to us hosting our parents and others. That was when the metal of tradition was put to the test. Which of our family’s established traditions would we incorporate into our lives? and which new traditions would we create with and for our children? For those traditionalists like me, we like certain things done the same way, every time. We like revisiting celebrations the same way. For me, Thanksgiving must include turkey with all that means to me. Christmas Eve much include bread and cheese. Easter must include coloured eggs. All the above must include PEOPLE. But in these difficult Covid times that are messing with our usual way of doing things we can still find ways to celebrate and enjoy important ‘traditions’. In fact there has probably never been a time when we were in more need of the cohesiveness of traditions.
apples, apple juice, apple sauce, apple leather, apple crisp, and of course . . . apple pie
I am a gardener, so harvest has particular meaning to me, and a definite connection to our Thanksgiving menu. In addition to the must-have turkey with fixings, dinner must include things I’ve harvested. Things like Cranberry juice from our own high bush cranberry. Made into a sparkling drink. Homemade Cranberry sauce – made from fresh or frozen cranberries, or even better – freeze dried cranberries. Dressing made with homemade bread, onions, garlic and other herbs from the garden. Vegetables of course, from this year’s harvest. Apples: apple pie, apple juice, apple sauce, apples in salad. Pumpkin: maybe pie, maybe tarts, maybe cheese cake, maybe cookies, maybe dip for gingersnap cookies. Grape: pie from our own grapes. Bread – homemade rolls. And of course, FAMILY – the greatest harvest of all. This year, by stupid covid necessity our numbers will be fewer. One son’s family will be with their other grandparents. One son’s family will be with another son’s family. My mother will be with my niece. Our daughter’s and another son’s families will be with us. Friends – another great harvest, will be not be around our table this year. But we will gather as we can, and enjoy the food and companionship of each other.
Don’t ever discount the importance of food in celebrations, traditions and memories. Most of us have very strong food-memories, for good or bad. That is why food is so important in how we celebrate special days, and in how we associate with certain people. A strong (and good) food memory for me is “chicken noodles”; many years of family gatherings and happy times are associated with this family favourite. And it is the natural suffix of Thanksgiving turkey. Ukrainian Cabbage Rolls are another strong food-memory for me. No one could make cabbage rolls like Dan’s step-mom Margaret, and no family dinner that she put on would be complete without them. Its been a loss for many years. University of Massachusetts Professor of Psychology Susan Krauss Whitbourne teaches us that “Food memories involve very basic, nonverbal areas of the brain and can bypass your conscious awareness. This is why you can have strong emotional reactions when you eat a food that arouses deep unconscious memories. . . . The memory goes beyond the food itself to the associations you have to that long ago memory.” For many of us, those food memories are already well established, but our children’s food-memories are still forming, and we have a tremendous influence on their creation and evolution. Wouldn’t it be nice if most of those associations were good ones?
okay be honest now, how many servings of fruits and vegetables do you get a day? Go ahead count ’em. How many did you get yesterday? How many so far today? And what about the variety?
The new Canada Food Guide says that at least half of what we eat in a day should be fruits and vegetables. . . . . uh, wait a minute while I soak that in. I believe I eat more fruits and vegetables than most people I know on most days, but I’d be hard pressed to say it is consistently half of what I eat. The recommendation is for an adult to have at least 10 servings a day! What does that even look like?
Vegetables: 2 cups raw leafy vegetables 1 cup cooked leafy green vegetables 1 cup raw vegetables 1/2 cup cooked vegetables 1 medium potato or sweet potato 1/2 cup vegetable juice
Fruit: 1 cup raw fruit 1 medium apple, orange, banana 1/2 cup fruit juice
If 5 of your servings in a day came in the shape of a watermelon . . . well, good for you, I love watermelon too. But variety is where we’re going to get the assortment of nutrients we need for good health. 3 apples a day might be great once in a while but we NEED variety. And a good variety of ‘fresh’ (as in picked within a day or two) is almost impossible for most of us. Are you eating your colours? . . . enough cleansing greens? enough immune enhancing yellows and oranges? enough heart healthy reds? and enough deep antioxidant rich blues and purples?
If you’re like so many North Americans, you’re lucky to get a quick bowl of cereal, bagel or cup of coffee in the morning. You make it to lunch with zero fruits or vegetables. And then it goes down from there. For me, I have to FOCUS on making sure my diet includes enough Fruits & Vegetables. If I am not intentional about it, before I know it, I’ve slipped into old habits and I can easily make it to dinner time – lucky to have eaten an apple.
sigh ….. what to do?
If you’re still reading this, I am willing to bet you’d like to be eating better. And you probably even try hard to make sure your family does. And you are likely better than average, but 10 a day? Come on, that’s hard for anyone on a consistent basis. Especially in the winter (which is a long season in my part of the world). Did you know that 80% of us don’t get enough nutrition from plants? Sadly our SAD way of eating (Standard American Diet) causes severe health problems: 40% of North American adults (and 20% of young people ages 2 – 19) suffer from obesity, which puts them at risk for heart disease and stroke and type 2 diabetes, as well as tooth decay, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, osteoporosis and many types of cancer.
that’s a big yikes! and it deserves our attention
I think we all know a thing or two about the importance of fruits and vegetables and the reasons they should make up the majority of our diet, and yet . . . . . here we are. What holds you back from eating more fruits and vegetables in the day? Here are some of the typical answers North Americans give. Do any of them describe your situation? * don’t know how to prepare them * too much time to prepare * too much energy, its easier to eat non vegetable meals * don’t like the taste * scheduling issues * haven’t made it a priority * too expensive * too much waste when we don’t eat it quick enough. …. And millions turn to supplements to compensate for our lack of nutrition. Supplements instead of real food. I am not anti-supplements, but they’re only intended to ‘supplement’ good eating, not replace it. That’s why they’re called s.u.p.p.l.e.m.e.n.t.s.
Divide the 10+ servings into your day. That means consuming 3 – 4 servings at every meal with some nutritional snacking along the way. I know that sounds like: how can I even eat that much food? Well, the idea is that if you’re eating enough fruits and vegetables you won’t have enough appetite for the junk, or the less nutritious options. It’s not as hard as you might think. Here’s the HACK: it’s called “RUVI” – from the root for “Roots of Life”. (Ru = Roots, Vi = Life)
* most helpful HACK for consistently eating more fruits & vegetables
Not a supplement. Not a juice. Ruvi is fruits and vegetables. Nothing more (really, nothing added) and Nothing less. Seriously, all the natural fibre you’d get if you ‘ate’ those fruits and vegetables, except you drink it. I know right! How easy is that? Each of the four blends contains the equivalent of FOUR complete servings! That’s freeze dried fruits and vegetables – the absolute most nutritious way of eating them. And you DRINK THEM.
And remember those reasons we have for not eating more fruits and vegetables? * don’t know how to prepare them: hello, mix them with water and shake * too much time to prepare:20 seconds is all it takes * too much energy, its easier to eat non vegetable meals: not sure what could get easier than Ruvi * just plain don’t like vegetables : each blend is the perfect mix of fruit with the vegetables to make them delicious * scheduling issues:what can be easier than a Ruvi in your purse, glove compartment, gym bag, locker at school, desk at work, trailer, 72 hour kit, and kitchen. Doesn’t matter what your day throws at you, you’ve got YOU taken care of. * haven’t made it a priority: give yourself a 30 day challenge. Use Ruvi every day for 30 days, then step back and analyze how you feel. You’ll be thrilled by how much difference true nutrition makes. * too expensive:if you were to buy the variety of fruits and vegetables that go into Ruvi – you’d be spending several times more $. This is the BEST and least expensive way of eating more nutritiously. * too much waste when we don’t eat it quick enough: no waste with Ruvi. All the nutrition of ‘fresh’ produce and Zero waste (that means huge savings).
bottom line
There really is nothing like Ruvi. It’s straight up goodness that your body is craving in the simplest, easiest-to-consume form: freeze dried whole fruits and vegetables, and nothing else.
I want to know what your experience is with eating more nutritiously. I want to know how you incorporate more vegetables into your daily diet. I want to know what you think of “drinking your colours”.
Good neighbourhoods do not exist independently of people. They’re not specific about the size of houses or yards. Whether your nearest neighbour lives across the hall, across the street, down the alley, across a field, or down the road, you live in a ‘community’. And everyone who lives in the same community has one thing in common. Its the one thing that every good neighbourhood needs no matter where it is: good neighbours. So how do you GET good neighbours? Ah, that’s the mystery isn’t it? Its really very simple. If you want to live in a good neighbourhood, you must be a GOOD neighbour. There. That’s the long and short of it. The consistent inescapable reality – that “it always comes back to you“.
When speaking about friends, Christian songwriter Michael McLean said: “Everyone hopes to find one true friend who’s the kind They can count on for forever and a day. BE that friend, be that kind that you prayed you might find And you’ll always have a best friend, come what may.”
Well the same thing applies to neighbours. Why should you care? and why do you want to live in a good neighbourhood anyway? I suppose there must be many personal reasons, but these are the ones that are important to me. Perhaps some of them might be important to you too. Here’s the clincher though: good neighbourhoods don’t just happen. They’re created by the good neighbours who live in them. So herein, you might find some ideas worth implementing, you may even find courage to step out of your comfort zone and make it happen. Somebody’s gotta start the ball rolling. It might as well be you.
10 reasons you want to live in a ‘good’ neighbourhood and how to make your’s one.
1. People are social beings. Whether you want to admit it or not, we ALL need other people. Of the things we learned from Covid, one of them is that we cannot be happy for long without other people. Perhaps you consider yourself more of a loner. Yeah, whatever. So am I. But whether you admit it to yourself or not, everyone has the same basic social needs and that is to be *safe, *loved, and *to feel important. So deny all you want, I don’t believe you. We are not an island and we were never intended to be an island.
2. Living where people are friendly makes for a more comfortable, peaceful environment. Even for the grump who inevitably lives in every neighbourhood.
3. Good neighbourhoodsare SAFER. Good neighbours pay attention. They notice things. They watch out for each other and their property. They are invested in your safety, just as you are invested in their’s.
Several years ago, when our kids were teenagers, it was a common prank among their peers to TP each other’s houses. Their friends’ homes, their teachers’ homes, their neighbours’ homes. Don’t ask me why. TP is toilet paper if you didn’t know. Sneaking to a friends’ house late at night and stringing TP over their trees, hedges, vehicles, fences … anything they could reach. You wake up in the morning, and …. you’ve been TP’d. It was a fun thing to do, and fun thing to have done to you too. Like I say, don’t ask me why. My kids did it too, so you can’t expect not to get TP’d if you are also a culprit. What goes around comes around. I must admit, we have some fun memories involving toilet paper.
Late one fall night I got a concerned phone call from my neighbour across the street. “Cindy, sorry for calling so late. I was on my way home, and I noticed something going on in your yard so I pulled over to watch. Some kids. ….” “Are they causing damage?” “It doesn’t look like it. Hard to say. Just go look out your front window.” I absorbed his concern, and peaked out my front window. “OH! That. Its okay Dwight. Its just a bunch of Sarah’s friends.” “But they’re … “ “I know. Its what they do. Don’t worry about it. I’ll have Sarah take care of it in the morning.” We had a rule in our house. If it was your friends who did it, then you get to be the one cleaning it up. Like I say, what goes around comes around. “Thank-you for worrying about it Bryce, but this sorta thing is just part of living with teenagers. My kids do it too. Its okay. Its not vandalism.”
The point is, that our neighbour cared enough to notice, to be concerned, and he-knew-our-phone-number to alert us of something he thought was amiss. Good neighbours are also the most logical ones to keep an eye on your house while you’re away from home. There’s added security in knowing that you all have each others’ eyes and ears.
4. Good neighbours share.
I know it seems so cliche to borrow an egg from a neighbour, but sometimes – you just need something you didn’t expect to run out of, and it sure is handy to have that reciprocal relationship. You wouldn’t ask someone you didn’t know if you could borrow a cuppa sugar, or an egg, or some other small thing.
Sometimes neighbours share bigger things too. We bought a weed trimmer several years ago with one of our next door neighbours. You only use something like that how many times a year? and they last forever. It didn’t seem necessary for both households to own one. So we shared, and its worked out well for many years.
Sometimes neighbours even share BIG things. We don’t often need a snow blower in Edmonton, but we live in a crescent so once in a while it sure would be nice to have one. But for the few times a year that you’d use one it was cost prohibitive and difficult to justify, unless . . . . you could co-own one . . . . . Dan talked to the three neighbours closest to us and all agreed to jointly buy a snow blower. You wouldn’t feel comfortable asking a stranger about entering into that kind of relationship, but this too, has worked well for many years. The common thread is that actually ‘knowing’ your neighbour, makes it easier to lend, borrow and jointly own – or not.
Sharing on building (and replacing) common fences is another ‘co-owned’ investment that benefits everyone involved.
5. Good neighbours HELP. Its an easy thing to lend a hand when you see a neighbour struggling with a package, or involved in a project. And even just a few minutes assisting someone can be relationship defining. Look for those opportunities, and take them. We share a common front lawn with our neighbour. Not really, but neither of us know nor care exactly where the property line is. When one is mowing the front lawn, how easy is it to mow both sides of it? So we do, and so do they. Its been much appreciated on both sides, for many years.
Maintain your yard and shared spaces. Keep your weeds down, and your pets under control. Even if you’re not that motivated to keep your property tidy, consider what it looks like to your neighbours, and go the distance. Don’t allow garbage to accumulate, keep your lawn watered and mowed and tidy. If you don’t like to weed, then establish a low maintenance yard, but keep it tidy. I cannot emphasize the importance of this enough.
Don’t make a lot of noise, especially after dark. If you’re gonna have outdoor company with excessive noise or a fire in the backyard, give your neighbour the respectful heads up, and promise to keep it reasonable. Don’t let your teens party hardy late into the night either. They can make a LOT of noise.
If you’re having a large group and parking might be an issue, let your neighbours know ahead of time and try to keep it manageable. Ask your company to be courteous. If nothing else, apologize ahead of time. LOL
7. Good neighbours are PATIENT and Overlook the small stuff. When our kids were young we had a trampoline. It was a magnet for all their friends and the source of a lot of kid-noise. We never had a neighbour complain. To be fair, most of their kids spent considerable time on it too. Once, when I was jumping on it, I noticed how visible many yards around us were from the high point of the jump. No one had any real privacy with our trampoline. I realized that our trampoline affected people in the several houses immediately surrounding us. It was not lost on me that no one had ever complained, and I really appreciated it.
One of our next door neighbours used to have a few friends over once or twice on summer evenings to sit around the fire. They played music and after a few beers, they could get a little noisy, and yes, maybe even a little irritating if you were trying to sleep. It made it difficult to escape with our backyards adjoining and bedroom windows open as they most often are in the summer. These were the times to remember our noisy kids on the trampoline in the daytime. We never complained about those noisy parties, they were infrequent enough that in the big picture, we considered them more than a fair trade.
For years I had several wind chimes hanging outside our kitchen door and along our back deck. One day as I stood on the back deck visiting with Glenda our next door neighbour there was a slight breeze which made the wind chimes happy. For the first time I took note of the fact that their bedroom window was open and right across the fence from my wind chimes. Our bedroom window was around the corner, so on breezy evenings, we were never bothered by the chimes, but it was impossible for our neighbours to not be bothered from time to time. So I asked “Do these chimes bother you at night sometimes?” Glenda admitted that sometimes they bothered George. “OH! I am so sorry!” I exclaimed “Why didn’t you say something?” “Oh it’s not that bad.” she claimed, but she was lying of course. I know what its like to lay awake by an irritating night noise. I took the wind chimes down that very hour, never to go back up in that area of our yard again. They appreciated it.
Now in a different house, we have grandchildren. Once a year in the summer time, we have a Grandkids Day, (sometimes a few days). All 18 of our grandkids come over to hang out with us. Outside mostly. On the trampoline, in the treehouse, riding bikes in the crescent, and making their share of noise. That’s a lot of kids. And that can be a lot of ‘kid-noise’. In the beginning I was hyper sensitive about bothering our neighbours. Dan and I delivered notes around the crescent to let them know of our plans, asking for their patience and also their extra care in backing out of their driveways with all the bikes, scooters, and other riding toys that would be in use. They were and continue to all be very patient.
As our teens grew they all got cars, and on the evenings their friends came over, there could be a lotta cars parked around our house. Our most immediate neighbour jokingly commented once that living next door to the Suelzles was like living next door to a used car lot. They weren’t that far off. Well, time went on and our kids all married and left home. Most days it was just Dan and I. But those same neighbour’s kids grew up and got cars. Sometimes their friends would come over for the evening and there could be a lotta cars! I jokingly complained to them one day that “Living next door to the Bowdens was like living next door to a used car lot!” And more time went by. Their kids are all gone now too. . . . There’s no sense in getting all bent outta shape about a minor irritation when in due time it will take care of itself. Save those bent-outta-shape moments for when the problem is more serious.
8. Good neighbours are KIND and SUPPORTIVE. Neighbours care about each other, and can be counted on to lend a hand in time of need, and can be a good resource for kids to go to if they need help when you’re not home. * One winter day our 17 year old son played with the neighbours’ young children pulling their sleigh on the ice. Little did he expect they would come over often after that asking him to come out and play with them. Sometimes it wasn’t convenient but he did when he could. * For years now Dan keeps small packages of cookies in the garage to give to the neighbour kids and grandkids when they come over. One summer two wonderful little boys moved into the rental house on the corner. They were the only children in our crescent at the time, and as they rode their bikes one day, Dan gave them each a cookie. They were regular visitors after that, and sometimes we’d come home to find them playing with the riding toys we kept in the yard. I told them they were welcome to use them as long as they made sure to put them away when done. They were pretty good at that. I jokingly told Dan “I guess we’re the Mr. and Mrs. Wilson in our neighbourhoodnow“. (from Dennis the Menace if you don’t know). Those nice little boys only lived in our crescent for a year, but I missed them after they were gone. One neighbour’s grandkids call my husband “Cookie Dan” and come over when they’re visiting their grandparents asking “is Cookie Dan home?” Its mostly about the cookies of course, but that’s okay. LOL
* Dan and I are involved with our city’s annual Food Drive each fall. Our crescent neighbours contributed occasionally if they remembered, until the year we decided to talk to them all and introduce ourselves, putting a name and a face with the service project. We didn’t ask for donations, just told them we were involved, and that on Saturday morning someone would be by to pick up donations, and if they could help us out we’d sure appreciate it. On Saturday morning we saw nearly 100% participation from the people we spoke to.
* There have been times we’ve asked for a neighbour’s helping hand. There have been times we lent a helping hand. The point is, you’re not going to ask a complete stranger to help move that bookcase, but you’d probably ask a good neighbour.
9. Good neighbours become FRIENDS.
We find our friends in the areas of our lives we invest in. We have something very important in common with each of our neighbours. We each chose to make our homes in the same neighbourhood. From there, we can find other things in common to share. From friendly over-the-fence conversations about the weather, to sharing concerns about our children, we start to socialize and create relationships that we otherwise would not have had. Don’t wait for that relationship to flourish, don’t wait for your neighbour to initiate it. WE can and should be the ones who start the dialogue. A smile and wave coming and going. A plate of cookies, a loaf of homemade bread, a bouquet of garden flowers, asking to borrow that proverbial couple of eggs (and then returning them), sharing the news about a bargain we find at the grocery store, bringing a meal when a baby is born, a small Christmas gift, an invitation to sit around the fire, . . . .
If our neighbour needs a ride to pick up their car from the shop, will they feel comfortable asking us? Would we feel comfortable doing the same? If our neighbour has an emergency and can’t make it home in time for the kids coming home from school, will they feel comfortable phoning and asking us to watch for them? Will their kids feel comfortable with us? Would we do the same? Do they even have our number? Do we have their’s?
We can also learn much from people who are different than us. Becoming friends bridges a gap between cultures and customs as well as religion. Sharing our differences enriches all parties and expands understanding and tolerance. It doesn’t mean we are trying to convert others, it means we are feeling safe enough to share an important part of us. It involves risk and vulnerability, but it makes us relatable. When we first moved to our current house, our neighbours were Sikhs. A little older than us, with adult children. The parents didn’t speak much English. We had little in common and it was difficult to communicate short of a smile unless their kids were home. Within a short time we were sharing garden herbs, and building our joint fence together. We were invited to their daughter’s wedding which was a wonderful opportunity to experience a religion and culture very different from our own. They have long since moved and we may never see each other again, but I am so glad we got to know them when we did. That neighbourly opportunity opened up a whole new world for both of us.
10. Good neighbours are INclusive. It is good to develop a friendship with our neighbours, and its alright if we feel closer to one or two, but it is not alright to exclude some from a circle that should be inclusive. Remember that all of Heavenly Father’s children have the same social needs of feeling Safe, Loved and Important. That means the neighbour two doors down as well as the one next door, and the one across the street too. Be the glue that ties others together.
Years ago we had a yearning to get to know our neighbours better. We were young, shy, busy and quite introverted. But it bothered us that though we could wave and smile at each other, none of knew each other’s last names. We decided to take the plunge, the RISK (make no mistake, it is a risk), and host a neighbourhood get-together in our backyard, including our immediate neighbours on either side of us and the three directly across the street. It was August and fresh corn was available, so we chose to have a corn-roast thinking it would be easier in the backyard. Corn roast made it an easy menu and the kids could jump on the trampoline. We picked a date and went to each one of those five doors to introduce ourselves, and invite them to a ‘get-to-know-your-neighbour corn roast‘ in our back yard. The reception we received was hesitant, even strained. And in the end not a single one of them ended up coming. We were very disappointed and more than a little discouraged. It shook our confidence and our resolve for a few months, but soon those same nagging feelings that we could be doing better began to surface, and we decided to try again.
By this time it was February so we would have to meet indoors, that meant adult only. We had a small house with five children, and hosting a sizable group ‘inside’ was a little intimidating to us, but in February there aren’t a whole lot of options in Edmonton, so ‘inside’ it would have to be. I made up some handwritten invitations in the shape of a house. We referred to ourselves “the-people-in-the-brown-house-with-all-the-kids“, and we called them “the-people-across-the-street-in-the-white-house-with-the-spruce-tree-in-their-front-yard” or whatever they were. We went together and knocked on their door. I readily admit we were terrified. It is always easier on paper, but once you knock on the door you’re committed. We introduced ourselves again. “Hi. We’re Dan and Cindy. We live over there in the brown house with all the kids.” We handed them the invitation, telling them we were inviting them to a neighbour party. We didn’t ask for a commitment right away, but told them to RSVP before Thursday. Then we said our goodbyes with a “hope you can make it, we look forward to all getting together,” and went to the next house.
Once the initial invitations were given, we set about happily readying ourselves. But then we started second guessing ourselves, wondering what on earth we were thinking, wondering where we got the idea that we were up to this, wondering if they’d think the games we planned were lame, wondering if we’d make fools of ourselves, wondering if it would just be one big awkward mess! All our insecurities came to the surface. And then a new thought entered my mind. What if they smoked in the house? What if someone brought a case of beer? We were a non smoking, non drinking house – I wasn’t prepared to deal with that possibility, didn’t even know how I might, it had never happened before.
One by one our neighbours called before Thursday to say they were coming. Each new phone call solidified the reality of the mess we’d gotten ourselves into. The day of, I was a total wreck. I worked myself into such a state that I cried all day. Was the house clean enough? What about the food I planned? Was there enough? Why did I pick that dish anyway? And now there was no time for a change in menu. Dan offered to cancel it. Secretly he was hoping I’d take him up on it so he could use me as the excuse. He was just as nervous as I was. But I knew if we cancelled, we’d never rise above it. We would have lost our best chance to get to know our neighbours, and for them to know each other, and it would be even harder to try again . . . .
The end of the story is that we went ahead with it. And yes, we had a few surprises. 1) We were surprised to observe that each of our neighbours were nervous when they arrived. 2) We were pleasantly surprised that no one brought alcohol, and no one smoked in the house (this was in the days when people still smoked in houses). 3) We were surprised that everyone enjoyed the games we chose. 4) Our biggest surprise of all was that though each of them knew our first names and perhaps the first names of the people directly beside them, none of them knew anyone else, even though most of them had lived there much longer than us. Into the evening we were laughing and thoroughly enjoying each other. We all commented about how wonderful it was to finally get together and we promised to do it again. Which we did. Several more times over the next few years, each taking turns hosting. In retrospect, it was the best thing we ever could have done for each other. Since then we’ve moved out of that neighbourhood, but we still remember fondly those wonderful people we shared a it with. They made it hard to leave. Recently we ran into Ann-Marie at a hospital. We greeted each other warmly and caught up with each other like the old friends we were. We each walked away smiling, happy to know the other was doing well. . . . . . . .
People of faith preach a gospel of peace. We accomplish this through our actions, using words only when necessary. Doing so makes the world a better place for everyone. It makes the world our neighbourhood.
It is easier to love people that we live in close proximity with, and as we get to know them personally, we feel a connection that bridges possible differences. Though it sometimes might feel complicated or intimidating to reach out to strangers (even those who live beside us), the concept of loving our neighbour is really very simple. We are here to love each other. Jesus taught us to “love thy neighbour” in the New Testament, the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants. (DC 59:6, 3 N 12:43) In fact he said it was “like unto the first and great commandment” which is to love the Lord with all our heart, and with all our soul and with all our mind. (Matt 22:37-40). While we know that this admonition to love our neighbour includes more than the people we live near, home is a good place to start.
I’d love to hear about your experiences in building a better community within your neighbourhood. Please share your comments below. I promise to read them.
2020 was my experiment year for vinegars. I had tried a few vinegars from scratch in the past with varying degrees of success but I think I overthought it, or I simply didn’t know how to use them. Whatever it was, I got discouraged and backed away until that year when it seemed so easy to try again (and I had all the time in the world), I couldn’t resist. SO glad l did. These vinegars below are actually “INFUSED Vinegars”– meaning I started with an existing white vinegar and infused the flavours. So easy, you can make your own and be guaranteed an amazing result. The results have been spectacular and I am never going to be the same again. Infused Garden Vinegars and I are best-friends-forever now.
Sun Vinegars
A new fave way for me to use my fresh garden herbs (and especially to carry their wonderfulness into winter) is to make ‘sun vinegar’. So called because you set them out in the sun to ‘steep’. Use a quart jar, a 2 quart jar, or a gallon jar – depends how much you want to make.
recipe: Chive Blossom Vinegar
Chive blossoms in white vinegar, less than 24 hours and already that gorgeous pink colour!
When the chive blossoms or garlic chive blossoms are in full bloom, pick them, shake off to ensure they’re free of insects or dust. Swish them in clean water and shake off excess moisture. Fill a clean glass jar without stuffing them in. Top up with white vinegar, making sure all are covered. Secure lid and place in a safe, sturdy spot where the sun with shine on it for about 2 weeks. You’ll watch the vinegar change colour into a beautiful pink/rose/mauve shade as the blossoms fade. When the blossoms have lost their colour your vinegar is ready. Strain through a cheese cloth into clean jar to store – discarding old blossoms. Store in pantry out of direct light to preserve it lovely colour. Plan to use within the year, just in time to make some more.
Basil vinegar just before straining. Colour transferred from leaves to vinegar.
Be adventurous. Try other garden herbs alone, or in combination to make other flavours. Use the same basic recipe as for the Chive Blossom Vinegar. They’ll all taste different depending on the herb. Keep everything clean and sterile, strain vinegar well to ensure a nice clear product.
using herb vinegars:
Herb vinegars can be used in a variety of salad dressings, sauces or marinades to add a fresh, delicious ‘herby’ flavour to a perfect garden salad, a bowl of steamed garden greens or fresh sliced cucumbers. Be brave, try different things.
Our very first venture was to use the Basil vinegar ALONE as a marinade for chicken breasts. Wow! Best grilled chicken I ever remember eating. The tangy basil flavour was in every single moist bite. Definitely remaking that one. We also used an herb vinegar to marinade thin strips of chicken and pork to grill on skewers. The meat absorbed too much of the vinegar and took on an almost ‘pickled’ taste, a disappointment. Won’t be revisiting that.
using fruit vinegars:
straining raspberries through jelly strainer
My first fruit vinegar was raspberry. I had a lot in my garden and was picking every other day, so it was a natural place to begin. And raspberries are SO good for you. They are a high antioxidant food and contain several phyto-nutrients that give raspberries their beautiful colour. Making a fruit vinegar is easy and extends the wonderfulness of summer into the non-growing seasons. You can make a refreshingly delicious raspberry vinegarette dressing for your salad in the summer, or long after fresh raspberries are only a fond memory. Whenever possible I try not to heat foods too high (or too long) in an effort to retain as much of the nutritional value as possible, other than the necessary hot water bath if I want to seal the jars. For this reason I opted for a ‘fresh’ uncooked raspberry vinegar. It was shockingly delicious. And because its so easy, there is no reason you cannot make some raspberry vinegar in the middle of winter using frozen berries. You froze your excess from last summer right? *See instructions to make the vinegar below. In the meantime, how to use it . . . .
Raspberry vinegar (scroll down to see recipe) can be used in a variety of salad dressings to add a fresh, delicious flavour, or add a couple of tablespoons to a glass of cold ice water. Oh my. Don’t judge until you try it. For a salad dressing, this vinegar is delicious enough to simply mix with a beautiful oil and shake, but if you’d like something a little more ‘reciped‘, try this one:
Double Raspberry Vinaigrette recipe: (to make in blender or food processor) 1 small onion coarsely chopped (or minced if you’re not using blender) 1/2 cup frozen raspberries, freeze dried raspberries or raspberry jam 2 T honey 1 t dry mustard 1/2 t salt 1/4 t pepper 1/2 cup raspberry vinegar 1 cup of your choice of oil (or combination of two: vegetable oil, olive oil, grapeseed, avocado etc)
add all ingredients except oil into blender. Puree till well combined, then turn the speed down and add oil in a steady stream. If you would like the texture of the whole or mashed raspberries (instead of pureed into a liquid), hold the jam out till after the blender part. Stir in afterward. If the vinegarette is too thick, thin it by whisking in a little water or apple juice.
Raspberry Poppy Seed Vinaigrette recipe: BEST EVER and less than 5 minutes to make. For more than a beautiful green salad. Use it as a sauce for grilled chicken breasts. adapted from a recipe I developed almost 7 years ago – see original post here 1/2 cup raspberry vinegar 1-2 cloves of garlic minced (depending on size and taste) 1/4 minced fresh onion or 2 T THRIVE Freeze Dried Onion cause its so simple 1 tsp coarse salt dash of black pepper * 1/2 cup fresh or frozen raspberries or THRIVE Freeze Dried Raspberries(optional but very nice texture) 2/3 cup Canola oil – or your favourite vegetable oil 2 tsp poppy seeds
Directions: Combine everything except the oil and poppy seeds into the small jar of a small blender. Blend till completely smooth. Or whisk well in a jar with a hand whisk. Not necessary to mince garlic or onion ahead of time if you are using the blender. Slowly drizzle in oil continuing to whisk. Whisk in poppy seeds last. Thats It! Super Simple. Super Quick. Super Delicious. Can be made earlier. Letting it sit in the fridge for an hour or more will give the flavours time to blend better.
Raspberry Vinegar – or Sour Cherry, or Saskatoon, or Concord (Valiant) Grape, or Highbush Cranberry or Black or Red Current Vinegar. The sky is the limit.
Finished Raspberry, Cherry, Basil and Garlic Chive Vinegars. Note the gorgeous deep colour of the fruit vinegars and the delicate rose’ of the herb vinegars.
basic recipe: using a 2 quart glass jar 6 cups clean fresh raspberries 2 cup sugar (consider substituting honey or using half sugar / half honey) 6 cups white vinegar Place raspberries into clean jar. Dissolve sugar or honey in vinegar over low to medium heat. When hot and sugar completely dissolved, pour the sweetened vinegar over top the raspberries, making sure they all get covered. Cover with a lid, and let it sit on the counter out of the sun for a minimum of two days or up to a week. Will turn a gorgeous deep red colour. Strain through jelly strainer or several layers of cheese cloth (to keep the vinegar clear) into a clean storage glass jar. Cover and store at room temperature. * recommended to use within 6 months * I love the unique flavour of honey, but don’t want the raspberry flavour overpowered by it so I use a combination of sugar and honey together.
They’ll all taste different depending on the fruit. Be brave and try new things. Keep everything clean and sterile, strain vinegar very well to ensure a nice clear product.
SO. The next question of course, is what to do with the fruit you strain out of the vinegar. . . .
While the herbs were pretty spent and I had no problem throwing them into the compost, there was no way I was gonna throw the fruit out. I first intended to combine it with some fresh and puree it for a fruit leather. I still might do that one day, but after tasting the strained fruit – Oh! My! Goodness! – it was so wonderful, that it deserved something better. It tasted like chutney to me. So that is what it became.
By definition, a chutney is a relish-type-of-sauce made up of sweet and sour flavours, usually with fruit as the base and seasoned with herbs and spices. A condiment. The origin is from India but the variation of flavours are as wide as the world, lending itself to anything you’ve got on hand. So with the ‘sweet’ of the sweetened cherries and raspberries, and the ‘sour’ of the vinegar – it was a match from the beginning. What do you do with a chutney? Topping for meat (think about cranberry sauce, its a sort of chutney), or any dish that is more mild flavoured (think about plum sauce on egg rolls, another type of chutney). Use it with cream cheese on crackers. Use it with roast beef, pork chops, any type of chicken, with a grilled cheese sandwich, with a cheese plate, with samosas, Asian dumplings, egg rolls . . . . etc.
recipe for CHUTNEY from strained vinegar fruit:
lame title I know, but what else should I call it? The thing to remember is that you can make this from whatever fruit you have leftover from whatever fruit vinegar you make. I added flavours that I thought would go well with cherries and raspberries, but there were lots of other flavour possibilities for another time. See below. Again, be adventurous and creative.
* 3 cups cherries and raspberries combined, strained from making fruit vinegar see below (with the skin, cherries have more texture so I chopped them finely) 1 onion chopped finely 4 apples (the tarter the better) peeled and chopped 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar 1/2 cup brown sugar * 2 cups chopped cranberries (I always have freeze dried on hand, but you can use frozen or dried craisins if you have them. If you don’t, then use raisins.) see below 1/2 t salt 1/4 t pepper 2 T grated fresh ginger (I suppose if you don’t have it, try 1 teaspoon ground ginger) *** other possibilities see below
Into the pot with everything on medium heat, stirring to mix well and heating to combine flavours. I prefer not to over-cook anything, and unless there is a good reason for more cooking, I opt for less heat where I can, so I never boil chutney for the length of time most recipes tell you to. That makes it mushy, and mushy is yucky to me. I just had the pot on the burner and added things as I measured them, stirring often. It eventually came to a natural simmer and I let it simmer for about five minutes.
From this amount, I got three pints. Two pints I processed in a hot water bath (15 minutes) for winter use, and the other one I put in the fridge for immediate use. Obviously the ones processed are going to be a softer texture than the pint in the fridge.
* 3 cups is simply what I happened to have, if I had more or less I might have adjusted the other ingredient amounts. I am sure it would change every time I made vinegar. ** Cranberries are very important in this recipe because of their colour. Raspberries will fade in the heat to a dark pinky colour which I don’t like (so I always add cranberries to raspberry jam). They also seem to have a natural pectin that thickens on its own so I never have to add pectin to raspberry or rhubarb jam if using cranberries. For this chutney, I noticed right away that the raspberries were fading so I added cranberries. My first choice would always be freeze dried because of their superior nutrition and bright colour, and of course the ease of storage. Always ‘ready’. Second choice would be frozen cranberries that I buy lots of at Thanksgiving to keep on hand. Might want to chop them for this chutney. Third choice is dried cranberries. These are usually very sugared so I don’t buy them as a general rule, but they still have that wonderful cranberry taste and of course the colour which is very important when canning.
*** other ingredients to consider adding are numerous. I didn’t want to lose the distinctness of any of the flavours by adding too many, but to consider for another time: Garlic minced – a natural for anything savory Cloves and or cinnamon – preferably whole and in a cheesecloth bag for easy removal later Red pepper flakes for some heat – I almost added it this time but wanted to know what it would be like without first. The ginger has some natural heat too, so that worked Dry mustard – always a great flavour enhancer and a natural emulsifier if using more liquids Lemon or lime – didn’t need it this time with the apple cider vinegar and the strong cherry and raspberry tastes, but I love a citrus zing when suitable. Again, be adventurous with what you have on hand, and flavours you like.
Have fun making your vinegars and in coming up with your own flavours depending on what you have on hand. Necessity is the mother-of-invention right? I’d love to hear your stories with your own flavours. Please leave me a comment.