Italian Wedding Soup

First of all, let’s clarify the name – its always sorta bugged me. It implies that this soup is traditionally served at Italian weddings, but its not. It is actually a poor translation of the Italian name – Minestra Maritata, which directly translates: Minestra – Soup, Maritata – Married. While this doesn’t roll off the …

Making Friends with Your Weeds

Simply put, “a weed is a plant considered undesirable”, but perhaps it might be undesirable in one situation – while quite desirable in another. It is merely a label for a plant in the wrong place. The term itself is a relative term, and what may be a weed to you may not be to me, and vice versa. If a weed is characterized by not being wanted, then does wanting it, mean it is no longer – a weed?

Good Companions Bring out the Best in a Garden

“A weed is a plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.” Ralph Waldo Emerson Whether we’re talking about people, animals, or plants, a good companion provides some sort of benefit, so with that definition in mind, Companion planting is simply the practice of deliberately planting different types of plants in the same proximity for …

Common Herbs in your House and Yard: part 5 – Mullein – Poppies to Radish Greens

part 4: M,N,O,P in this chapter: Mullein, Mint, Nasturtium, Oregano, Parsley, Plantain, Poppies, Radish leaves.Some inside, some outside. Chapter continues to be a work in progress. I’d love to read your comments below. MULLEIN Mullein is a big, tall, unique looking plant with long fuzzy leaves, and in the flowering years it can reach six …

Common Herbs in your House and Yard: part 4 Horseradish to Lovage

Part 3 – H, I, J, K, L in this chapter: Horse Radish, Lamb’s Ears, Lamb’s Quarters, Lavender, Lovage.Some inside, some outside. Chapter continues to be a work in progress. I’d love to read your comments below. HORSE RADISH Horseradish is a rugged hardy perennial, even in cold climates. In fact, the winter forces the …